Age Doesn't Matter Episode 10
I turned to the crowd but couldn't find Jason, standing where he was standing before.
And then I turned to see him walking up the stairs towards me.
"So you finally showed up!" Jason said as he got to me.
"I'd look bad if I miss it and now I'm kind of regretting why am here!" I sighed.
"Why?" he asked.
"Look at your girlfriends and look at me." I said and gesture my hand around referring to girls I'm skimpy dresses.
"Yeah, what's wrong with them and what's wrong with you!" Jason asked.
"I mean, are we in the same league?" I rolled my eyes.
"No, but you're kinda here so… oh and I forgot to ask, how was your boyfriend graduation ceremony?" Jason asked.
I sighed. "It was awesome and again he's not my boyfriend!"
"Yeah that's what you all say and then the next minute you and the person who you're referring to as not my boyfriend is actually in a corner with you giving you raw smooches!" Jason laughed and I turned to him.
"What?" he asked holding my gaze.
"Don't let me cuss you on your birthday!" I threatened.
"Cusses on my birthday not allowed! And I know you're the queen of cusses" He smiled.
A girl came running up the stairs and towards us.
She looked tired and her tight disco looking dress hugged her body like it can never be removed.
"What are you doing here Jason! Your cake will be here soon, and you know you have to cut it come on!" she said and pulled Jason's hand and start to drag him down the stairs.
Jason turned to me. "come on Elsa!" he said with gestures.
I sighed and made it down the stairs, trailing behind Jason and his girlfriend I think. Cause they look like they're probably dating.
The music stopped playing and I almost yelled 'Thank goodness' but I didn't, cause I didn't want to Recieve awkward stares.
The lights in the living room went out and the girl who came to call Jason, his girlfriend, started to walk out of the kitchen with a big round cake that had a single candle at the top and her tiny voice starts to sing the happy birthday song.
Wow such loving girlfriend.
Everyone joined the chorus and the lights slowly came back on and I saw Jason's face holding the most exciting grin ever.
He watched as his girlfriend slowly carried the cake closer to him still singing the song.
When she got to him everyone stopped singing and she said, "Happy birthday Jay Jay."
Jay Jay? It was cute it made me smile.
"Now blow out the candle and make a wish!" His girlfriend ordered.
"I know that!" Jason said with an eye roll and closed his eyes briefly before bowing out the candle.
Such attitude with such a pretty face.
Everyone clapped and the girl dropped the cake on the table in front of them and used a smile knife beside the table to cut a slice of cake for Jason.
"Now" she said, placing the piece of cake In a plate in Jason's hand and giving him a fork.
She started, "Okay now Jason, You will make a toast to anything or anyone according to the bites of this piece of cake.!" His girlfriend explained and he nodded with a smile.
Everyone watched as Jason grabbed a small piece of the red velvet cake with his fork and raised it up.
And with his loud deep voice he said. "Okay this bite is for my Mom, she's the best, she's the sweetest I love her and that's just that!" Jason said and shoved the cake in his mouth making everyone yell and clap happily, I suddenly saw everyone looking up the stairs still clapping and I saw miss Huggins waving and smiling happily as they chanted her name, she smiled at her son.
Well Jason's really sweet, dedicating his first bite to his mom.
The noise died down and everyone turned back to Jason, waiting for his second bite probably till the last bite. Jason stabbed the cake for his second bite and raised it up.
"This second bite is for my two best buddy Simon and Donald, they're both crazy, but I love them either ways!" Jason said and I think that's Simon and Donald cause they both rushed him to give him a playfully punch for calling them crazy, and everyone laughed at their childishness.
Jason raised his third bite up and everyone quiet down, I think the last piece on the plate would be his last bite. "This third bite actually is for, you Krystal" He said to his girlfriend and everyone said the "Ohhhhhhhhhh" teasingly in unison, and I laughed cause it was funny and Jason kind of felt flushed when that happened.
The Krystal of a girl couldn't help her smile as Jason said. "You've always been there for me and I don't know how to thank you enough!"
"Thank her with a kiss!" one of Jason's friend said and Jason stoned him a glare.
Everyone laughed and clapped at the same time and Krystal couldn't help but blush at that. How sweet. Teenage love.
Jason should be quick, I'm actually feeling sleepy and would like to go home.
Jason raised the last bite on his fork and dropped the cake plate.
And he began. "And for this last bite" He looked around for a while and when his eyes met mine and then he smiled.
"This last bite Is for my teacher, miss Elsa" Jason said and everyone followed his eyes and turned to me…
Oh okay!...
"She's really moody, she cusses me all the time, she calls me a butt head once, slapped the back of my head, reprimanded me a lot of times." Jason said and everyone giggled as they looked back forth at Jason and I… Okay Jason's actually making me look bad. Well I did all that too him, but he had his bide sides too!
Jason continued anyway. "But she's the best, best teacher I've ever known, she's very smart, helped me a lot and believe me when I say she's very hot! And we love her"
I shut my my eyes and opened them back up.
Jason is such a dumb head.
Everyone clapped and cheered for me as Jason took the cake in his mouth.
The music came back on and everyone starts to dance to their happiness and I walked away to the kitchen where they kept the drink.
I took a bottle and walked away from the teenage crowd and to Jason's room which was quiet and empty.
I sniffed the drink as I opened it and Immediately I knew the alcohol in it would be so much. But its okay I am able to hold my liquor.
I took one sip from the alcohol and I almost spit it back, it tasted horrible and it burned my throat and chest, I dropped the bottle and shook my head Negatively. Nope I'm not drinking that.
I stayed quiet in the room and wrapped my long skirt around my leg, enjoying the warmth of the room.
I was getting bored and sleepy at the same time, and so I decided to lay my head down on the desk and when I did lay my head down, I didn't know when I fell asleep.
I was honestly having the best time of my life,
I've had birthday parties like this every year, but this seems to be one of a kind, it was just different from others, maybe because we're all growing up I guess.
It was nighttime and the house had become even more fuller, and I didn't know when I had made so many friends like this.
I walked away from the dancing arena after partying with my friend and over to the counter full of drinks, to have at least one sip of the amazing and different alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks I've been eyeing from the dance floor.
I raised a glass and as I filled the glass with drink, someone tapped me from the shoulder making me turn. It was my friend Simon.
"Oh Simon what are you doing here, I thought you were at the dance floor.!" I yelled over the music.
"I can't possibly stand and watch my best friend have fun with drinks without me!" he replied shoving his cup closer to me for me to fill it up.
"Okay so I don't know if you know this, but I think Krystal has a crush on you, I'm talking about massive crush here dude." Simon said making me glance at Krystal.
Well Krystal is sweet we've come a long way as friends and she's really caring and has got my back all the time.
"Well I know that!" I shrugged at Simon as I filled his cup.
"You do! Well do something about it!" Simon yelled.
"Do what? About what? She has a crush on me that's her problem I don't have to do anything about it, Krystal is sweet and all but I don't like her!" I said sincerely. And that was the truth.
"Wow bro that's harsh! And look at everyone thinking Krystal is your girlfriend, cause you guys looked great standing together" Simon said.
"Thanks but no!" I smiled and took a big sip out of my drink before walking, I removed the golden sash my friends made me wear and threw it on the couch.
I looked around and paused, it's been almost two hours and I haven't seen Elsa.
Has she left? I thought! As I walked around the whole living room and finally made it up the stairs.
I walked passed the hallway and somehow I just felt like I should check my room and when I opened the door to my room and walked in, I found Elsa sitting comfortably on the chair behind my study desk and her head carefully placed in between her curved hands on the desk. As I got closer I saw that she was fast asleep and beside her head was a bottle of alcoholic drink that wasn't looking friendly.
According to the bottle and how filled it was, she didn't take much!.
So she came all the way here, to my eighteenth birthday party, to fall asleep.
I gently called her name and tapped her on the shoulder twice and immediately her eyes fluttered open.
Okay she's a light sleeper that's nice.
"Jason?" she called as she sat up. "What are you doing here?" she asked.
"Uhh," I looked around. "This is my room!"
She looked around too. "Oh I am very sorry" she apologized. Okay I think that will be the first time she will be apologizing.
"No its okay, you seemed pretty deep in your sleep, so I woke up uo and wanted to let you know that you can totally crash on my bed if you're really tired!" I said she sighed rolling her Hazel eyes.
"I didn't plan to fall asleep when I came, looks like I was really bored to death!" she ranted.
"No kidding, and you decided to finish all that alcohol yourself?" I scoffed pointing to the bottle.
"Yeah, I did and don't worry I can hold my alcohol pretty well" She said standing up.
She almost lost her balance when she stood up but she sat down again…
"I'm really worn out!" she sighed.
Worn out?
I laughed.
"Okay sorry for that, so do you mind, if we both share the drink?" I asked.
"Aren't you supposed to downstairs jubilating with your friends, I mean it's your birthday! And there are more of where this drink came from I bet!".
"Don't you get the fact that I'm trying to keep you company since you've been bored!" I sighed.
"Well that's nice" she nodded. "But I don't think I can stay and have a drink, it's late!".
"Late? Seriously? It's not! Just one stupid drink!" I huffed.
"Okay fine, get the cups let's get this drink over with." She gestured with her hands and I walked to the cabinet beside my bed and took two glass cups.
"And don't pour too much drink on your cup, the day is not over yet so you're not completely eighteen!" she ordered making me laugh…
I did as she said, well she's the boss! She's older I know that, but she doesn't act… No scratch that she acts older, way than her age but she doesn't look older at all. And all my friends kept asking if she was really a teacher.
I think she's around twenty one or two. I'm not very sure.
T. B. C
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