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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Important Semi- Final


Important Semi- Final

THEME: (She Has Something That's Mine) 


Juliet's pov
"Do it doctor... "I said before I felt weak and passed out.

Nathan's pov
Mom, Wendy and I waited at the lobby while Juliet was still in labour.

I'm worried sick for the twins... I hope they both make it.

The doctor finally stepped out. We all stood up as he approached us.

"She's conceived. Am sorry but we lost one of the twin babies.. "He said.

"We did all we could. But looks like the boy wasn't destined to live. he has been taken to the montuary.  "The doctor said and left.

Oh God! I just lost my son. The pain was heart splitting.
I went into Juliet's ward. She laid on the bed with her eyes open and there were tears.

"Hi. "I muttered as I went to the  cot bed the baby laid on.

"His brother died. "Juliet said.

I carried the baby in my arms. I looked into his small face,  he looked alot like me. But had Juliet's lips. So sad to know his other half is no  more.

Juliet sat up wincing as she touched her back.

"I hate being here. When am I gonna leave? "She asked.

"I dont  know, be patient. "I said rolling my eyes.

"What name will you give him? "Juliet asked.

"Pick a name, I want you to have a  connection with him. "- I said.

She looked at the baby and sat well.

"Derrick... His  brother would have been named Erick. "She said.

I nodded.

Juliet's pov
When I was discharged and got back to Nathan's house, Peter was released and we reunited.

The doctor has been taken care of the other twin, Erick.

Peter collected alot of cash from Nathan and we left the country with my baby, Erick.

Life afresh!

<10 years later>

""Be fast Erick! "I yelled after Peter and I disengaged from the kiss we both shared.

Erick came walking down the stairs with his beach ball in his hand.

"Am here mom. "He said.

I giggled and took his hand as we got into the car driving to the beach where Erick had a little handball game with his friends.

Its been 10 years and Erick is now 9 years old. I'm married to peter and we've been living happily though I noticed Erick's got a little bit rough and jumpy attitude... Maybe his brother's got the opposite.

Nathan's pov
I stared at the pregnancy result Isabelle handed to me.


Anger, pain, sadness... All this emotions flushed into my heart at once.

It's been 10 years since our marriage and she hasn't gotten pregnant.

Am so frustrated.

Derrick's ball rolled to my side. He came running taking his ball

"Sorry dad. "He said in his normal sad voice.

His relationship with Me has been shaking ever since Isabelle told him she wasn't his real mom.

His too young to go through the trauma.

He hardly talks this days.

Come to think of it, what if I never met Juliet? I wouldn't have gotten my heir and gained my grandfather's wealth.

I ruffled my hair as I squashed the paper.
I smiled at Derrick.

""Go on now. "I said.

He smiled and run off with his ball.
I exhaled.


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