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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

This Billionaire Is A Male Slut-Episode12


This Billionaire Is A Male Slut-Episode12

Theme; House help lover

©munay berry

I attacked her lips hungrily trying to gain access supprisingly she responded and encircled her arms around my neck
I just can't get enough of those small pink lips of hers but I had to stop , I shouldn't take advantage of her without her permission
I stepped back a bit after breaking the kiss
"Am sorry Lisa I didn't mean to...
My phone vibrated in pocket cutting my short . Thank God it's water proof.
I stepped outta the pool and answer the call it was one of boys at the warehouse
What do you want Jake" I groaned immediately I picked up the call
Sorry to bother you boss but there is something you need to know" he said from over the phone
And what could that be ?" I asked
Boss you have been good to me that's why I won't lie to you on this one " he said
Stop beating around the bush and go straight to the point" I said loosing my cool already
Boss Alex have been stealing from you, he always inflates the price of the package and keep the profits for himself then lie to you about everything. He also selling your stuff's at your back" he said
I could feel my muscles tense up.
How dare that bastard try to steal from me after all have done for him.
I smashed my phone angrily,
"Please calm down" Lisa said Walking towards me but I walked away, my anger is extremely dangerous I might hurt in this state of mind.
I entered my room and changed into something dope more like a bad boy look.
Am going with my tsunami bike.
I wore my helmet and drove with so much speed outta my mansion straight to the warehouse.
At the warehouse the boys had already tied Alex to the ground with a broken mouth.
I squats infront of him so he can see me clearly
"So you dare steal from Audrey Williamson huh and you think I won't find out" I growled at him.
" Am sorry busy please it's the devil's work have mercy" he pleaded with fear writen all over him
He should be worried of what I will do to him
" Bring him along " I said and climbed my bike and drove straight home while they trail behind.
Lisa Lisa
Just when I was enjoying the kissing then this happened again , I wonder who called him
That made him so angry ,.
I went to my room to change my wet clothes before coming down to cook something for my boss.
I just about to enter the kitchen when my boss dragged a man with so many injuries on his face.
He was pleading but my boss gave him a tight blow on the abdomen
The strange groaned and fell the floor in pain.
"Take him to the torture room ", he said to one of his boys and they took the man away.
I just stood there watching my boss unleash the monster in him.
He wanted to turned when he saw me.
His looks softened as he locked eyes with me intensely
I don't think after this I will be able to get close to him again.
I looked away scared and walked into the kitchen hastily.
With the fear of not getting hurt by him
What have I gotten myself into ??

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