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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

That Val Episode 3


That Val Episode 3

 ®️El victor

I wiped away the rolling tears on my cheeks, I choked in emotion when I remembered the most difficult time of my life.

As the Month of February clock one, we had a full house as Kiki and Ella returned beaming happily, I was curious to share in source of their joy but didn't have the gut to ask.

"aunty Cynthia, can you imagine I handled two boys, David that my fair boyfriend challenged me that I can't. And I gave them so hot" Kiki exploded happily giggling like a hero,  Cynthia mood lit up like someone who hasn't had a bad day.

Ella was a shy one, she only whispered to Kiki and Cynthia and I was left out, the noise in the room didn't allow me to read so I went to the common room.
I couldn't get to a place without seeing valentine advert banner, the talk of valentine was the trend on campus.

"priscilla, I have never seen someone as pretty as you. You melt my heart from afar and set my soul ablaze. A drug to my pains, a remedy to my sorrow, please honour my noble request. Will you be my val?" If my memory didn't fail me, those were Joe's exact words when he asked Priscilla out on a date openly with our public speaker, it was so lovely as both heart mended to be one.

I began hating myself, I felt rejected and defeated amongst the crowd. I was tired of the clothes I wear, everything was turning against me.
I entered my facebook account to see if I had a Val request from someone, it broke my heart that I only had three likes for the picture I uploaded as my profile and those likes were from my mother and father.
And my mother comment was "you are a Jesus daughter and an example to this generation, beauty defined in our Lord Jesus Christ."

I was desperate to have Val 'cause my room mates were already picking from their applicants, Cynthia even got two proposal of Val from two guys with cars.
I don't know how they will make it up, every night they kept on disappearing from the room and returned to the hostel next morning polluting the room with alcohol.

"I failed the test, am scared Cynthia. My father will kill me" Ella cried out she wasn't as brave as Kiki who took things lightly. "School na scam, just pay the lecturer or you f*ck to your A, some people don't even come to school they are having A's, chill girl" Cynthia comforted her.

My parents were opposite that attract, my dad is soft and lovely whereas my mom is a radical and a dictator in a lovely way.
She doesn't wait for time she force things to go her own way, my dad never bothered about what I do, he simply would say "allow her to experience life, how will she be wise if you keep manipulating her?" my dad will beg my mom when she was doing things extremely.

I became so popular in my department and in the faculty also, lots of lecturers were always interested in me 'cause of my brilliance, the attraction was a positive one.
Guys were drooling over, all wanting to be my friends. I hardly could go a place without ten of them following me, they see me as symbol of their 'A'.
Daniel was a cute guy and soft, he is the finest guy in my department, he was my bestie and he spoilt me silly with jokes and gifts.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked one of those days he came visiting me in my hostel as we sat under a mango tree.

Why me, that Val!


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