Adventure Of A Bad Omo Pastor- Part 8/9
Warning:Restricted Content: 20 Years +Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence..
She went inside and seconds later Stella came outside and ushered me in. I held her hand and was like “hey you didnt tell me momsi was around when i called nau” she replied “it doesnt matter. My mom wont say anything nau.
I have the right to bring my friends home, just that no anyhow play for you”. We went inside and that was the most boring day i ever spent with Stella. Her mom soon joined us in the parlour. Come see as i compose myself
Her mum kept asking me various questions as if i came to seek her daughter’s hand in marriage. It was just like an interview.
Mumwith strict face) so, who are you to my daughter
Me: ma, we were secondary school mates. Finished from the same school
Mum: Okay, so what do you plan to do after sec. school
Me: I took JAMB form ma
Mum: which school and what course
Me: University of Lagos and University of Uyo first and second choice both pharmacy ma
in my mind this one don turn job interview oo…
The interview lasted for like 30mins and then Stella’s mum went out leaving only two of us at home saying she wanted to get something around. Immediately she left, Stella came to where i was sitted and started getting all touchy and started kissing me but suprisingly, my mr J.T did not respond and when i inquired why he wasn’t responding, he revealed to me that he has done some analysis and if her mum comes in and catches us, I’ll be as good as dead.
I analysed the situation with my Mr. John and discovered it wasn’t worth the risk.
I pushed her away gently telling her of my fears of her mother walking in on us. We chatted for another 30mins and i told her i was leaving. She saw me off to my house which was on the same street and we bade goodbye.
Time flew fast and JAMB time came. I wrote the exam on a saturday and by tuesday the next week, i got a call from a friend of mine telling me that result had been released.
I got up, put on my cloth and went to the cyber cafe. Outside the cafe, i saw a young girl of say 15 or 16 holding a piece of paper in her hand and crying her heart out. Immediately i entered, i saw a guy telling the cafe man “oga you sure say you put in the right registration number? This is not my result ooo… I no fit fail nau, I know wetin i write”. My heart immediately started beating fast as the thought of failure started ringing in my head. I knew i didnt really do the exam very well.
I was sweating even with fan turned on. I told the cafe attendant that i wanted to check result and handed him my registration slip and scratch card with shaky hands. Within minutes, he came to hand me my result where i was sitting and i saw my total score was 182. I was so heart broken. I didnt notice when a drop of tears ran down my cheek.
I just pulled myself together and went home, went straight to my room to rest cos i had developed a headache.
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