BLOOD BATH - Episode 27
BLOOD BATH(the siege)
BLOOD BATH - Episode 27
©Cal Empéror
(Let Love Play)
The success of the mission had give the group a little time to rest, even when they knew it was not over, at least the 7 will get a chance to mourn over the loss of two of their patrons, only if they had knew Arvin never mourn, he was like a restless busy bee.
Luthen and Drake were too weak and foolish to have let that little boy fool them I can just imagine the both of them laying their hands on the stimulant we have fought so hard to get and still lose it back to them the same day and not even up to an hour! Arvin Yelled as paced up and down!
You gotta be cool Mr Gyang!! Said to Arvin.
Don't tell me that Gyang get the Plane, I have got a plan, we are going to Vernica! He said and his orders were carried out with immediate effect.
At Cal Grand pa's house
Gray was screen working on the drive they had retrieved from Hive the other day Humphery was killed, he was so engrossed he planned on making head way and get a perfect lead on the remaining of the 7
Smart was making loud comments that made them group laugh so hard, Lisa kept her secret admiration to herself, what a funny guy she said.
At some point the jokes had become a distraction for Gray, and he had called them all to order, Paul was very much present, he came with Rita this time around, and she was free with the girls, the three girls clustered around each other like they have known before, while the boys sat on the same couch listening to smart's Jokes and laughing, Smart had made Cal a subject of ridicule and teasing him about how he was not able to open his locker on his first day at Qingdao High School, because he was not used to advanced technology, and they all burst put laughing even Gray, but he spoke up.
I very much appreciate your involvement and participation in this mission guys, you have been a source of help to me, I wouldn't have been able to uncover this without you, I am glad Agent Neil's death is not in vain, we will break through, as we have succeed in putting the enemies of this world into a unsized cage, it's just a matter of time before they break free from it. But before then I want you guys to go have fun while I work out something.
Yeeaa they all scream happily for except for Cal!
What is wrong Cal why ain't you happy?
Hmm have you forgotten that no one in the public is suppose to see me until this mission is over?
Oh that is true but that shouldn't be a problem, I have got some cute boy cloned mask put one of them one and go have fun. And you smart do the needful.
What?? Smart asked and Gray gave him a wink.
Soon they drove out happily to a park.
Gray was happy the house was calm now, he settled to do his work, and also kept an eye on them, he watched them from a separate computer.
And replied their lewd comments anytime they made one.
At the park, there was no ghost theme like the ones in China, but Snow took Cal to the dept of the park like she knew her way around.
We have not gotten enough time for ourselves lately because of the war, I miss you Cal,She said placing her lips on his, without giving him a space to breath a word. Cal held her waist as she pinned her body to his and devour her.
Can you take the mask off please? I can feel much of your lips, snow said breaking, and Cal did pull of the mask at once.
Hey you shouldn't have done that! Gray said.
Get the Fuck out Old man Cal said.
Haha he laughed while snow shuddered bringing her head down, she had forgotten that gray was watching them all the while, and she was shy at that.
Go get a wife Gray!!! She finally said and Cal engaged her in a kiss she overcame her timidity and kissed him too, it felt better now without the mask.
Rita and Paul were having fun swinging their bodies and bouncing balloons up high on the sky.
They seem to be oblivious of any other person as they kept playing like little babies, the two were a perfect match.
And this left Smart alone with Lisa.
The two kept exchanging strange glances.
What?? Smart asked in his usual shy nature sipping on his Chapman.
It's nothing.
The rest are having fun why don't we?
Good what do you suggests?
Let's Climb the poll! Lisa suggested!
No I suggest we do this.
Smart stood up and bent his head, He planted a kiss on her lips, overcoming every shyness that ran through his veins.
What was that for? Lisa asked swallowing hard.
Hmm Hmm. More like it boy! Gray said.
What?? The two said as they became aware of their environment.
They were still in their romantic position but they could hear the clapping hands of four people.
They were Cal, Snow, Paul and Rita.
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