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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

BLOOD BATH - Episode 19


BLOOD BATH(the siege)
BLOOD BATH - Episode 19

©Cal Empéror

(In Bed With The CIB)

I didn't know who the girl from the club was, but something was fishy about her, even when I acted sober, I felt her place the tracker on me, but I let it play, whoever she was working for, if the tracker has value to them, it might yet have value to me.

I pulled it off the exact spot she had planted it, and had submitted the it to the IT guys and they set to work on it, after some while the results they came out with were very sweet.

I knew I was going to meet the people who sent her sooner or later, I had the Ghost back me up.
Ready for surprise? I asked Lisa.
Hmm not sure, I am still yet to get over this one she said.

It's ok, let's get going.

I never expected the outcome, Men who ever they were, they were really good, they did set the Ghost SUV ablaze, and made for our car, I had set the car on reverse gear, and had Lisa and I leap away to safety, even before the car came to a stop.

I watched them search for us from the little corner I had hidden myself and Lisa.

Shit who am I seeing?? I asked a little be too loud for Lisa to hear. I was only surprise to see the boy here in vernica, the last time I had taken out Neil he was still in China?? And now who is this new guy that is with him??? I really have underestimated this boy I said deep in thought.

What what are you talking about dad? Lisa asked in hush tone.

It's nothing Just some familiar face I have got in bed with before, they are really bad people, you just have to remain calm and stay where you are, so as not to attract them I cautioned.

What no daddy let's go out and fight of they are really bad people I thought you taught me to be strong, and always fight against evil, She said a little too loud.

Yes baby but not this time, I mean they have weapons and we don't?? I guess our noise attracted them to our direction.

Shsssss I told Lisa as they got closer and closer.

I told you they were gone, the tall guy told cal, you weren't sure of the voice you heard, see now nobody is here.

But I heard the loud voice so clear.
Let's leave here at once, the cops will show face soon, I can't afford going through an interrogation session.

Yea the said and turned to go.

I was glad, I hope that will go down well with Lisa, but hell.
Dad that voice sounds familiar.
What no I said it's it's… I stuttered, but she's already shove her head out to look.

Omg!!!! This can't be true!!!

Cal!!!! She called out loud.
And at once the two men that were gone came rushing towards our direction, Lisa ran out to meet them.

Damn you Lisa I cursed, she leapt on Cal's body, the boy showed no concern, soon a real punch landed on my face.

Arrggghhhh!!!! I yelled.

Son of a bitch you've caused us so much stress, The heavily built guy said.

Fuck your damn ass!!! I said.
Please Leave him alone what are you doing to him, Lisa pleaded on my behalf.

We had almost given up on the search of the duo, father and daughter, we made to retire to our car when I heard hushed voices, I had told gray and we had gone down to where I heard the voice from, but there was nothing there, we made to go when I heard Lisa scream my name.

I told you, I said to Gray, when she leapt up on me, I received her with both hands, but didn't show any emotional.

Gray had Humphrey tied and bundled to the car boot, I smiled at Lisa and cuffed her hands when she didn't expect, I could see the shock on her face, but I had to do it, nothing stops the child of a lion from being a lion, we are leaving no loop, even though I have been away for a while, Lisa cannot be underestimated.

I bundled her to the back seat and had her strapped.

Is that your ex crush?? Snow asked through the bud, they have been watching us all along.
Yes she is.

She isn't bad she said while I smiled.

Are you really doing this for real?? Lisa asked.

Yea sure, what do you expect from a guy that just came back from the dead??

No no stop it Cal, you weren't dead, I felt it all along, something deep told me it was so, please whatever you are doing, and whatever is making you do it, please have a rethink and let us go, I know it's the serial killer that killed you parents, but all this isn't worth it, me and my dad never had anything to do with this she begged.

I was annoyed by her ignorance, I had muffled her from speaking and placed a gag on her mouth and she kept shut.

Her father killed my parents and had kill uncle Neil too.

Be cool with her kid, Gray said as he kept on driving.

Humphrey was securely locked in the boot.

Now guess what's gonna happen to Humphrey!!


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