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story : The Nigerian Graduate - Episode 9



The Nigerian Graduate - Episode 9


I was in a white-laced dress, Fiwa was adjusting my veil, Amber Rose was applying my makeup, Diamond and Dummy were holding my bouquet and suddenly the groom appeared, it was Shina,I was happy, I was marrying my dream man. I wanted to hug him when his face was replaced by that of Akin. I was scared and looked back, I saw Fiwa, Diamond, Dummy and Amber Rose were staring hard at me, they were all holding daggers, I closed my eyes and screamed, someone held me, I opened my eyes and the first person I saw was Kzee,he was worried, I opened my eyes widely and alas, no white laced dress, no veil, no Fiwa, no dagger, no Akin. I was still in my birthday dress and l was in my bed in my brother’s house, it dawned on me that all was a dream.

“Sisinlaw, Are you OK?” He asked grinning

“Who is Sisinlaw, are you here to joke right now?” I asked. Then, I saw him, I was not sure it was him but it looked much like him. My love walked into my room followed by his parents. I was confused, I la!d back in and I closed my heart, I slapped my cheeks as I wanted to wake up and face the reality.
It was Shina, my same Shina… He was with his parents, I was confused, I closed my eyes once again and I heard him ushered out everyone in the room.

“My woman, my woman.” He called out silently. “Ademi, open your eyes, look into my face.” I opened my eyes gently as tears rolled down my cheeks, I adjusted myself as Shina sat close to me.

“I’m sorry, love.” He begged.

“I should be the one to apologise, you did nothing wrong.”

“It was your past, Riri.”

“I fumbled.” I said amidst tears.

“Was that why you ran away?” He asked. “I searched for you.”

“I fumbled, Shina. I was a prostitute, I had several abortions, I was a liar, I was stupid and useless, I don’t deserve you, Shina.”

“Baby, that was your past, we all had a worse past too. I love you not because you are pretty but because you are a great woman. You captivated my soul and my heart feel at peace anytime I’m around you. I met mum and dad and they told me you’ve learnt your lessons.”

“Shina, I aborted six times while Amber Rose had just two! Why would you love me better?”

“You see, Bola was never a woman I loved, she was always forcing herself on me right since we were teenagers. I love you and that’s all that matters.”

“Kzee told me you are married” I asked not wanting to be an option, a second wife.

“He’s right baby, I’m getting married soon” he grinned.

I frowned, I thought he was back to be my man, I started crying. It hurts to lose a man you love. Why would Shina reopen a fresh wound. I was still sobbing when Shina started singing me a birthday song in his best voice, everyone came into the room including my mum whose eyes were filled with tears, they chorused the last verse….”happy birthday to you” when Shina brought out a diamond ring and popped all women’s dream question…. WILL YOU MARRY ME?
I was shy, I had to bury my head in my palm because Kzee and the girls were hailing me. A lot of things were going through my mind… Was it a dream? What if Shina was here to disgrace me? How about Amber Rose and her girls?

“I’m still on me kneels, my woman. Don’t punish me this far.” He said looking worried. I gently raised my hand and he slipped the ring into it almost immediately. “I love you, honey” he said as he stood up. He hugged me so tight that I cannot help it, it was cool to be in love. Everyone was clapping and hailing us. Our parents went to the living room.

“How were you able to convince your dad down here.” I asked.

“With the help of my mum of course.” “We don’t have time now, darling. Maybe after the party, we can discuss.” He said.

“Which other party, Shina?” I was tired and was not ready for any other birthday party. He smiled at me and left. Kzee and the girl came in few minutes later, Kzee was in a blue agbada and the girls in different styles of the same native attire. Mo handed to me a white lace iron and buba and said Shina said that was my attire for the party. I was confused,who wears iro and buba for a birthday bash nowadays. Before I could say Lack Robinson, the girl dressed me up, cleaned my former makeup and applied another, tied my aso oke and it was wow! I was happy not because of my pretty look but because my apprentices were perfect.

“I don’t understand you guys, this look is a bride’s look o, why will you apply a wedding look for a birthday bash” I corrected professionally. The three of them stood laughing, I was pissed off.

“Riri, it’s a unique birthday for our unique boss” Ruth said.

“Let’s go out now, we’re late already” I said. Kzee was out of the room already.

“The party just started, we’ll go when they call on the celebrant.” Few minutes later, some group of women including my brother’s wife and my caretaker’s wife came in to the room.

“Mummy, what’s happening?” I rushed to meet Mrs Ojo, the caretaker’s wife.

“Congrats my dear!I’m happy it ended well.” She said as she hugged me.
They ushered me outside my brothers compound to the next compound, what I saw made me turned back. It was my ENGAGEMENT. I saw people decorating that compound when I was leaving for the studio in the morning, I never knew it was because of me. I saw Shina sitting down a the”engagement “seat laughing happily. I smiled, it was my day. My caretaker, Onome, Mama Susan were sitting at one corner waving at me.

I searched around and one person was missing, FIWA. Our plan was that we were going to be together on our wedding day, and she was not here for mine. I knew I wronged her and I would call her after the event.

The event was successful and I was full of joy. My girls stood beside me till the end of the programme. People came from Ilawe, all my client and students of Oye were all present. I was happy, I danced and danced till Shina announced our departure and they took us all, our parents and we, to a nearby hotel. It was actually My Introduction not Engagement.
I was happy being beside Shina, our wedding was slated for the last Saturday of August, 2016.

Watch out for the final episode......................


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