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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Story: NOTHING LIKE LOVE-Episode 24


Nothing like love-Episode 24

Tare didn’t need a soothsayer to tell her Richard’s mum hated her.she felt really bad about the way she had been treated which made her restless.

The door flew open and Magie walked in
She of more of confuse than suprise,her eyes met Richard’s who turned away immediately. She knew all was not well at all.

You cheap theif,how dare you? The next thing Tare heard was a resounding slap on her face which kept her mute for 3seconds.

Richard pulled her away from his mother with anger burning through his eyes.

what was it with this women and her face?Her mother had slapped her calling her a flirt and now Richard’s.

Mum what’s the meaning of this embarrassment?

She’s a thief Richard,stop fooling yourself around.

Just then four policemen walked in.

That’s the thief,she pointed at Tare.

I don’t know what you are talking about,I didn’t steal anything. Tears had started streaming down her eyes.

Should we search around ma’am? the skinny looking policeman who seemed to have done 100days fasting and prayer asked’
And what are you waiting for? useless man.

Are you still standing,he said to his men who started searching the apartment immediately.

Is this your’s ma’am?

yes it’s mine.I told you Richard she’s upto no good.

Richard I don’t know anything about this please believe me. Tare pleaded.

shut up you criminal,you’v been cut redhanded but still maintain you didn’t take it? then how was it found in your handbag? the skinny policeman shouted.

Richard just kept mute.

Move it,he shouted at her,after handcuffing her


She had cried till the extent she couldn’t open her eyes properly.Why did Richards mum despise her so much? she was poor but was raised well.

who would believe her? no guy would believe a girl over his mother! Oh Richard,she had lost him forever.

The most frightening thought was how she would get out of the cell,the place stinks she could barely breath with her inmates smoking.

Someone wants to see you the potbellied policeman said not to anyone in particular.

Me? Tare asked hoping she was the one.

Yes you. I wonder wetin that fine bobo see for thief like you.

She had thought Richard would never come for her,but there he was staring at her.

Please seat.He gestured to her .She sat facing him not sure of her fate.
Did you take it?

I swear Rich,I don’t have anything to do with it.

I was surprised to see him find it in my handbag.

I took that handbag to your place but I didn’t take it.

It’s okay Tee,I believe you.It just mother that’s proving stubborn,she had threatened to make me regret if I bail you out or have anything to do with you.

It’s your safety am worried about,I can’t bear it if anything happens to you.

You don’t have to worry Rich,nothing will happen to me.
How can you say that? you have no idea of what you mean to me.I love you very much Tee.

I can’t bear to see you hurt.

On a normal day,Tare would have jumped on him for that statement. But not in the predicament she found herself. She held his hands in her’s

Nothing will happen to me Rich.
He stood up and pulled her into his arms.

I promise to get you out
Tare smiled as tears fell from her eyes’


Immediately he left the station,he thought of his mother’s weakpoint.And he remembered his dad,the only one that could break her backbone
His tucked his hand into his pocket as he dailed his father’s number.

Hello dad,I need your help.

Son what’s the matter?

It’s mum she. .

Cuts him short.

Am at the airport,come and pick me up so we can talk about whatever it is.

I’ll be there in few minutes.


Richard couldn’t fathom why his father smiled at his ordeal.

He had expected an an angry man scolding him for getting involved with a girl.

But he saw a smiling man instead.
His son reminded him of his love”Edna”, the girl he could do anything for then.Only a blind man wouldn’t see the love in Richards eyes.

He was happy his son was inlove,she must be the reason for his change.There hadn’t been any bad report on Richard from his spy’s of recent.He was eager to meet the girl behind the turn around.


Tare ran into his hands the moment she heard she was free to go.She never expected Richard to come back for her that quick.She clinged unto him like a second skin not minding the stares they got from people around or the fact they were hugging for the second time today.

He he he Tano cleared his throat when he had gotten tired of watching the little display by the two young lovers.

They disengaged immediately.

sir,you know my mother?

you are a replica of your mother.

No doubt they looked alike. Even her mother always told her she looked like her younger version.

yes,she’s my long lost friend.

He pulled Tare into his arms as a fat tear dropped from his eyes’.

To be continued

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