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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand




Godmother-Episode 29

With that, he closed his eyes and soon slept off. Rita
remained confounded. Why was he so nonchalant about it?

This was a very serious issue, but look at the way he had
responded! Anyway, he said he would see his spiritual
guardian. Good. On her part, Rita too decided she would
make moves.

The following morning was a Saturday. Rita dressed herself
and her daughter up and they left the house. She had
decided to see the pastor of the Pentecostal church she
attended was just a building behind the parish, and all were
in the neighborhood. Holding the hand of her daughter, he
pressed the bell of the house. The house maid soon came
out to meet her.

‘I’ll like to see the pastor. Please.’

The gate was promptly opened. She was ushered into the
sitting-room where she waited. The man of God soon came
down. Rita was a prominent member of the church and
must not be kept waiting.

They exchanged greetings and she told him the reason why
she had come. The pastor rose to his feet.

‘There is nothing prayers cannot do,’ he said. ‘I believe that
with prayers, mountains can be overcome. Let us pray.’

Rita knelt down while the pastor prayed. After the short
prayer session, he sat down again.

‘Hmn, madam,’ he said. ‘You really need to pray to avert
some kind of evil that is lurking around. You will need to
fast and pray for him. Is there a way I can see him? Can he
come to the church?’

Rita took in a deep breath. ‘That is the problem. He doesn’t
attend church service. But I’ll tell him. I’ll tell him the
pastor will like to see him.’

‘Good. That will be fine. God will be your strength and He
will protect your family.’

‘Amen. Thank you, pastor.’ She rose to her feet and brought
out a white envelope from her handbag. She had already
packed a lump sum of
money there.

‘This is a token of appreciation for you, sir. May the Lord
continue to renew your strength.’

‘Thank you, sister. God be with you.’

Tope continued to laze on the bed, since it was Saturday
morning. He was partially asleep and partially awake. His
mind briefly went to what his wife said about a dream. He
instantly dismissed it as a worthless dream. He was still
lazing on the bed when Zay called his number.

‘Hello, love. How’s your weekend?’

‘I’m just waking up. Good morning.’

‘Sorry, I hope I didn’t wake you up.’

‘No. How’re you?’

‘Fine. I miss you.’

‘It was just yesterday we were together,’ he pointed out.

‘I know, but I’m missing you already.’

He laughed shortly. ‘We’ll arrange for more meetings,’ he

‘Yes o. I can’t wait to be in your arms again.’

‘Don’t worry. I’ll think of something by Monday morning.’

‘You mean I have to wait till Monday? Gosh, that is quite
far away.’

‘Well, except later this afternoon. That means I will shelve
my going to the club.’

‘Of course, do so. Am I not more important than your

‘Alright. Where do we meet?’

‘My home is a good place. I’ll be expecting you by three

‘Okay. See you then.’

‘I’ll be expecting you, honey.’

He grinned to himself as the conversation ended. So Zay
really enjoyed the act! Indeed, it was a terrific experience.

She had performed beyond
his expectation and he certainly looked forward to more of
such exhilarating experience.

When it was two o’clock, he wore a brand new designer t-
shirt and jeans trousers. He complimented the dressing
with designers’ watch, shoes and perfume. As a man of high
taste, all his wears are now designers’ makes. He had
dismissed the driver for tat day. On a day like this, he
would drive himself while his police orderly would sit on
the front seat by his side.

He drove to Zay’s residence. as usual, the orderly would
wait outside in the car. He would however ensure that he
was served some refreshments. Zay was expecting him. She
smiled as she gave him a short kiss. She was in a skimpy
top and a bum short. He felt she looked attractive.

‘Let’s have lunch,’ she invited. He followed her to the
dining room, where the table was already set. The local and
intercontinental dishes were sumptuous. Standing by was
Ceecee, the domestic help.
Are you expecting other guests?’ 
he exclaimed when he
saw the array of food.

‘You alone are more than other guests,’ she said, smiling.
‘Wow, this is exotic.’

They sat at the table while Ceecee waited on them. They
ate like lovers who cherished the best of food and wine.

Indeed, he enjoyed the meal.

They took wine after that.

To be continued

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