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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand




Episode 7


Sani Madawaki came down from his office which was located upstairs in the NATU building. He was the director of NATU.
The ‘nigerian anti-terrorist unit’ was formed in the year 2011 to curb the bokoharam crises.
500men were chosen from the nigerian police force, nigerian army, navy and all other military and paramilitary organizations to form NATU. In 2012, they went to the united states for intelligence training and came back later that same year. They where posted to all the bokoharam infested communities but due to constant collision with the JTF and coupled with the fact that members of bokoharam had escaped from those areas, the nigerian government decided to post them to other states to aid intelligence.
250 of those men were posted to lagos state, the rest were posted to other geographic locations but have since stopped working due to the backlog of salaries they are been owed.
According to the federal government, the formation of NATU was illegal and it was duplication of office since other military groups can do their jobs. Lagos state government however accepted NATU and have been paying them.
“Jimmy, i just received a call from the commisioner of police, a sniper shot someone in the court in ikoyi. Check for any storybuilding inside 15metre radius in the court premises” sani instructed
“Got it” Jimmy replied. He was pretty fast. He was a computer operator in NATU.
There are 4 storybuildings in that location But according to reports, the bullet came at an angle of 45° which leaves us with only the Gmax building”
“Good job Jimmy, any traffic camera in the location?” sani asked.
“Even if there is a traffic cam, it wont be able to get the suspent, he was in the sixth floor” Jimmy replied
“fuucckk it!” sani exclaimed. He doesnt like working under pressure,it makes him look like a newbie.
“Although, i think we can use satellite imageries” Jimmy chipped in.
“Nah!! It wont give us the facial properties of the victim”
“I know, but we can use it to know his location. Jimmy said.
“Do it” sani said with a tone of finality and walked back to his office.


Barrister clement was still on the floor, he had just been shot on his arm. All the police officers had since fled the court. Mr. Jacobs was whisked away using the blackmaria. Few minutes later, soldier officers arrived the location and cleared everybody out of the court.
The case was adjourned till further notice.
Meanwhile, agent white was still suprised how he missed. Barrister clement had put his hands at akimbo and agent white wanted to shoot through the hole formed by his hand but immediately he wanted to pull the trigger, Barrister briggs brought his hands down. White wanted to abort but it was too late, he had already pulled the trigger. The bullet met Barrister Clement on his arm. Before he could adjust and aim, the courtroom had become rowdy. He didn’t see Grace again and every other person Had taken cover. He had failed in his operation.
Paul adeyemi walked into a building. He slid his keycard at the slot and used his fingerprint. The door opened at once. He entered and met three men inside.
“Where is agent white?” he asked.
“he is not yet back, one of the men answered him”. He did as if he wanted to unbotton his shirt and he brought out a little camera. It was the camera that the people in the building where using to monitor the court session. You would never know there was a camera there, you will only see his silver coloured large button.
He paced around the hall for a few seconds, removed his wristwatch and slammed it on the wall.
“we failed!!!” he shouted.
“Jimmy what have you got?” sani asked, coming down from his office.
“I used satellite and i got our man, he came down from the Gmax building at exactly 1:20pm.
I switched to street cam to view his face but it looks like he is a proffesional, he was putting on a hood and bent his head so i wasn’t able to see his face” Jimmy explained.
“You mean you lost him?” sani asked impatiently.
“chill!! He entered into the mall by the street.
45minutes later he came out and i sent agent musa to stalk him. We got his address, we are just waiting for your orders to arrest him.”
jimmy explained.
“Jimmy, thats a decoy, the real shooter must have escaped through another route or is still in the mall” sani said.
“Not according to neighboors” Jimmy chipped in.
His neighbours claimed he Is an armedrobber who had been terrorising the area and just recently, he has been seen with strange faces”
“Jimmy this is terrorism we are talking about, not petty robbery” sani explained.
“It still doesn’t hurt to bring him in for questioning. He is our only viable lead” Jimmy advised.
“Okay then, call agent musa, tell him to go with few other field agents” sani said. Just then his phone rang and he picked it. It was the special advicer to the governor on security matters. Sani picked the call. The special adviser just wanted to know how far they where with the investigation.
“we have a suspect sir, we are bringing him in for questioning as we speak” sani replied and the line went dead.

To be continued

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