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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand




Episode 15

 The invinsible quartet were sitting on a round table.

Paul Adeyemi Aka sparrow, Tunde oni Aka white, Ebuka Eze Aka Agunichemba where all present. Only Sani Abdul Aka charlie who was on official duty was absent.

“I just received intel that Jacobs wasn’t the one who ate the food” Paul broke the silence in the room.

“What!! How did you know this?” Agunichemba asked.

“The guy who ate the food was the guy who was caught habouring some terrorist so the news broke out fast” paul informed them.

“Amaka also called the distress line, she said the doctor gave Grace the antidote before the incubation phase of the drug could elapse” Tunde spoke.

“So you mean she would still remember everything?” Agunichemba asked.

“ma guy everything o” Tunde switched to pidgin.

“Attah!! Attah!!” Paul called out. The two other men were wondering who Attah was.

“Only one person know about the antidote to the drug, and that person is attah” paul said.

“And who is Attah?” white asked.
“The guy we put in prison, I think its time we shut him up once and for all”


Jacobs walked back to the prison dejectedly. By then, the dead body of the guy who ate the poison had already been evacuated. Attah immediately knew something was wrong with Jacobs.

“What’s the problem” Attah asked him.

Jacobs just sat down quitely and placed his face on his palm. He started to reminisce. He remembered in the university when they promised each other to always help one another when situation demands.

Attah thought maybe the Doctor failed in the preparation of the antidote so he started consoling jacobs.

“Dont worry, am sure even though your wife doesn’t remember you, you can show her your wedding pictures” Attah assured.

“Its not about my wife, my lawyer just withdrew from my case”
Attah sighed and spoke
“That shouldn’t bother you, you are entitled to your own lawyer so the government will provide.”

Just then, one of the prisoners aproached them.

“I can help you guys bring down the invisible quartet” he said.
“Invisible quartet? I dont know what you are talking about” Attah replied.

“Come on, i heard you guys talking about them. They are the reason am also in prison”

“So how can you help” Attah asked.

The guy turned around as if someone was watching him and then whispered

“we are going out to the workshop very soon, meet me behind the workshop” he said and left.


Jimmy had already set up live feed at NATU and they were communicating with musa and his team. Musa and his team were at the chad-maiduguri boarder waiting for a truck with the incription

“Hassane farms”
They had stood there for close to 45minutes.

They were running operations with men of the nigerian immigrations.

“I see you guys have everything under control, i beg to take my leave”

Sani turned and saw Usman.

“Oh Lieutenant, am sorry i didn’t even have time to speak with you. Thanks for your interest in the safety of this country. With men like you, our security would improve tremendously” sani complemented.

Usman gave his trademark warm Smile, shook sani’s hand and left.
“I have visuals on the truck” musa’s voice blared from the telephone speaker.

the truck in question was a black one. On sighting the officers on the road, the driver stopped.

“Open ur trunk” Musa commanded.

“Nothing dey trunk only cow” the driver spoke customized pidgin.

“Okay i want to see the cows” musa said.

“Officer me come ‘nijayria'(nigeria) to bring cow.” he said.

“No problem, lets see the cows” musa ordered. The driver had no other option than to open his trunk.

He walked slowely and opened it.

“Mooooo ” the sound of cows and their odour greeted the officers. They used their eyes to scan the truck but they found nothing. They searched the entire truck but found no sign of snipers.

“We gat nothing on him” musa spoke to his device.

Sani was furious. He had just been played again. Just then, jimmy’s line rang.

“Jimmy nwachukwu” jimmy said as he picked the call.

“Sir, the call is for you” he said and gave sani the phone.

“Did you enjoy the ghost chase?” the voice from the other end asked. Sani used his hand to cover the mouthpiece, he then spoke to Jimmy.

“Trace the call”

“Better trace the call fast” the voice said.

“cos in less than five seconds, all your communication network is going down”

“what are you talking about? You know were are going to….. Boooooooom!!!!!” sani was still saying when they heard a loud bang in the building. The line went dead, all their computer screen became blank, their land lines were disconnected, Power was disrupted. Just then sani’s cell rang, he picked it up.

“You know i thought of killing you” the caller said.

“But that would be waste of cemetery space.

And oh, its nothing personal” the line went dead.

To be continued

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