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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand




Godmother-Episode 8

On the seventh day, he decided to go to Ikeja. The joint was close to Isheri. Far from where he lived. As usual, he ordered for malt drinks while he observed the activities going on in the bar.

The music of Fela Anikulapo titled
‘Lady’ was playing loudly. He swayed his body gently to
the music. A middle-aged man with a grin approached.

‘Welcome, oga,’ the man greeted.
Tope nodded at him.

The man pulled a chair and sat close to him. ‘In case you
need a lady, let me know. I can get you any category you

Tope instantly became interested. ‘Such as?’

‘We have sweet sixteen, young ladies, matured ladies and
sex mamas.’

Tope grinned. He had virtually had all the categories
except sweet sixteen. He hoped she would not be under-
aged. ‘Alright, get me sweet
sixteen,’ he said.

The man smiled and went off. A minute later, a girl came
to him. She was dark, and – like many other ladies there
– wore skimpy clothes.

She could be between seventeen and twenty. Tope

‘Good evening,’ the girl greeted. ‘Mind if I sit?’

He smiled at her. ‘Please, have your seat,’ he told her.

She sat by his side.

‘What’s your name?’ he asked. He had not been asking
others that but he felt like asking this one.

‘Rita,’ she said.

Another Rita, his mind said. She was probably not giving
him her real name. He shrugged.

‘Do you want some drinks?’ he asked.

She shook her head. ‘Business first.’

He smiled at her. He liked that business-mindedness.

‘How much d’you charge?’

She gave him different packages and options.

He nodded. So, if I want to take you overnight, how

She told him. He nodded. He might as well take her home.

‘I’ll take you overnight. What drinks d’you want?’

‘Small stout,’ she said.

He grinned and ordered for the drinks.

‘How old are you?’ he asked.

She shook her head. ‘I’m not supposed to get personal
with you,’ she answered.

‘I like your English,’ he commented.

‘Thanks.’ She looked at him seriously. ‘Before I follow
you, you will have to pay me half of the money.’

He grinned. ‘That will be no problem.’ He brought out the
money and handed it to her.

As if by magic, the man that had first approached him
came to meet the lady. She smiled and counted off some
money to him. He
disappeared again.

Some minutes later, he stood up and she followed him. His
car was an old model Honda Accord. They entered the
car and he drove off.

Fifteen minutes later, they were at his mini flat at Ogba.

‘Welcome to my humble place,’ he said.

‘It’s a nice little place,’ she replied.

They might as well take their time, he reasoned. He
switched on the television and played a DVD movie. ‘Do
you want anything?’ he asked.
She shook her head.

‘Come and sit by my side,’ he asked her.

She did as she was told.

‘Am I allowed to be romantic with you?’ he asked.

‘Romantic in what way?’

‘Romantic such as kissing you.’

She smiled and shrugged. ‘You’re free.’

He nodded. His used his left hand to wrap her shoulders.

It was as if she was waiting for that. She snuggled up to
him and put her right
hand on his lap.

‘You’re pretty,’ he commented.

She smiled again. ‘Thank you.’
He kissed her. It was a soft kiss, but it soon became deep.

His right hand moved down from the shoulder to her
chest. He placed it on her
left b----t and sq££zed it. He removed her top and red
bra. Her b-----s, just as he expected, looked fresh and firm. He caressed them
and used his to tongue to play with the n-----s. The
n-----s were erect. She m0aned to encourage him on.

‘Let’s go inside.’ He took her to the bedroom and switched
off the light. His mouth went to her b-----s again. She
unzipped his trousers
and fondled his private organ. It was now solidly hard.

Then he remembered that he had brought her for a purpose and must not allow
passion to carry him away.
‘What style d’you want?’ she asked.

‘Doggy,’ he answered.
‘Okay.’ She removed her mini skirt and pantie. Her p---y
was completely wet as she was fully ready for him. She
knelt on the bed on all
four while he stood and placed her bum close to his d--k.
He tried to enter her from behind and realized that her
p---y was a little bit tight.

‘Wait, let me use lubricant.’ She brought the gel out and
rubbed it on her v----a. The next attempt he made to enter her was easy and
smooth. He moved rhythmically while she wiggled and m0aned. It must be part of the job. His hands reached
for her boobs and he
alternated between handling them and holding her waist.
He closed his eyes as he surfed Fantasy Island. He realized that of all the sex he
had been having in the last six days, this was the most enjoyable. He withdrew just before he released and
spilled his semen on her bum.
He then picked his trousers and went to the bathroom/
toilet. From the back pocket, he removed a white
handkerchief to complete his
unholy act.

Seconds later, she too went to the bathroom to freshen
up. He was lying on the bed in his boxer shorts when she
returned. She was still
Unclad and he could see that she had a great figure. She
came to lie by his side. He suddenly remembered that he
was asked to sleep only
once with each of the lady he had picked for the day.

Would doing it the second or more time not portend
danger? He was not sure, but it was better he took
precaution. He decided he would
not take on ‘Rita’ again. He would just caress and handle

‘Are you tired already?’ she asked.
He smiled. ‘I don’t think so.’

‘Alright. Let’s do it again, this time slowly.’

‘No. Let me not bother you.’

She seemed surprised. ‘Bother? I’m here so that you can
bother me.’

‘No more sex,’ he said, ‘but I’ll play with you.’

She shrugged. ‘As you like it.’

Just as he said, he did not have further intercourse with
her, despite her prodding. When she saw his erection, she

‘Perhaps you prefer a hand job or a Mouth Gig,’ she

‘Hand job,’ he muttered.

She removed the gel from her handbag and rubbed it on
her palm. She then rubbed his d--k the way she had
learned to do it. He responded
with delightful m0ans. While she worked on his d--k, his
hands gleefully fondled her boobs. After some minutes,
he came again.

Early the following morning, he paid her the full balance
and even added transport fares. She was surprised at his
generosity. Before she
finally left, she gave him her number in case he needed
her service again.

After she had gone, Tope called the real Rita. ‘The second

test is completed,’ he announced, almost proudly.

To be continued

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