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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Story: EVE - EPISODE 24



Episode 24

*Eve’s point of view*

“Alberto” I said, holding his face and looking at him deep in the eyes.
“Eve, I’m so sorry. I know i should have come sooner but i got into an accident. I lost all my memories of you. I tried Eve. I tried recalling my memory and when i did, i searched for you. I would kill for you Eve. I wou–”
I didn’t let him complete his sentence, I grabbed him and placed his lips against mine. I kissed him hard, very hard, my stomach fluttered, like butterflies were in it. Alberto’s lips were as i remembered, fluffy and soft and sweet. I kissed him harder, taking in the sweet flavour of his pink lips.
Alberto hands found my b----t and i moaned in pleasure. He groaned and pressed them, kissing my neck and sucking it.
Then i felt pains in my stomach and gasped for breath.
“Come on, lets get out of here. We can continue when we are safe” Alberto said, raising me up and carrying me in bridal style.
I whinced in pain as i closed my eyes, breathing heavily. Alberto looked at me suspiciously. I didn’t want him to know about my baby yet. I was going to tell him when are out of here.
“Where is James?” I asked, looking around expecting him to come out and grab me.
“I don’t know, when i came, he was not here” Alberto carried me out of the basement. We were almost out of the house.
“Am so happy you came for me, James told me you died” I screamed in pain again, my bleeding w as still there.
“That lying a-s motherfucker! Whats wrong with you Eve?” Alberto asked, his eyes changing, seeing my bleeding state.
“If it isn’t the b-----d and his angel” I turned to look towards the door and behold James was there, pointing his gun at us.
I gasped and Alberto placed me on the chair, blood staining his hand, he drew out his gun too. I looked at him properly, he looked like he was still in pains. Like his ribs were hurting.
His faced changed, the monster Alberto was back. He cocked his gun and James did his.
I could smell a bloody fight coming. And i was still in pains.
“You motherfucker, look at what you did to Eve!” Alberto shouted at James in pure anger.
“Oh Alberto, you missed a lot. Eve was so sweet to touch, did she tell you how she screamed your name from the pleasure she received when i went into her?” James smiled, making Alberto more angry.
“Shut your filthy lying motherfucker mouth up, be fore i blow your f-----g brains out!”
But James didn’t take the threat likely at all. He just smiled.
“Did she tell you how i f----d her so hard, she screamed my name. She begged me for it Alberto, she craved for it, she s----d my d-” James laughed.
I looked at Alberto. “He is just trying to get at you Alberto, none of them is true. He raped me!” I shouted, and rested my head back when the pains in my lower belly increased.
Alberto eyes softened for a moment when he saw me in pains.
“Oh she hasn’t told you yet, she is pregnant! F-----g carrying my child” James laughed.
“No. No. Don’t believe him Alberto!” I shouted, groaning in pain.
Alberto rushed to me. Tears in his eyes. He bent in front of me. Hurt. Pains. filled his eyes.
I held his face, tears in my eyes. “Its not true, Alberto believe me. The child is yours”
But James took this as a weakness, he used the handle to hit Alberto. I screamed as Alberto fell limp in front of me.
“Please James, stop this and let us go” I begged, trying to wake Alberto up.
James walked away and towards the basement, probably to get ropes.
“Alberto, Come on. Get up! Please get up, lets get outta here, before James arrives” I shook Alberto but he didn’t wake up.
James came shortly after, with ropes in his hand. No. I needed to find Alberto’s gun.
He must have fallen on it. I tried moving him away but he wouldn’t move. He was to heavy.
James dragged my hair, pulling me away from Alberto unconscious state.
“Please James, please let us go” I cried as my was blood leaving its trail on the floor. The pains grew intense.
James tied me to the chair and as he turned, Alberto landed a blow on his face causing him to stumble. Alberto sat on him, punching him, hitting hi m, just like he had done at the ball that day. But this Alberto looked more monstrous as he hit James with so hard.
“This is for Eve” He punched him harder. “This is for my child” He punched again. James nose was already bleeding, his face was twisted but Alberto didn’t stop. He kept on punching, distorting James face until i couldn’t see his face.
Suddenly a sharp pain hit my stomach and i screamed. Alberto stopped immediately, getting up from James and rushing to my side, he untied me.
“Hang in there Eve, I’m going to take you to the hospital” He carried me out of the house, by now, I was screaming, the pains were getting intense. I screamed louder when Alberto placed me in his car.
Just as he was about to get in, a gun shot sounded and i look as Alberto fell to the ground, screaming.
I came down immediately and went to him. He was shot in the stomach, it was bleeding seriously. I looked up to see James coming at us. He was bleeding seriously.
“Eve, get out of here. Get into the car and drive off !” Alberto shouted, pushing me back to the car.
“No. I cant leave you here. No. We are both getting out of here. Come on. Get up!” I wiped my tears as i tried to raise Alberto from the floor.
James was almost here. He was laughing at us. Holding his gun at us. “Love birds. Pathetic!”
“Eve, get out of here! Save yourself and the baby!” Alberto shouted loudly at me.
“NO!” I shouted back, “I’m not ever leaving you again. No matter what!” I kissed him. “Where you die, Alberto, there would i die, where you stay, there will i stay. Where you are buried, there would i be buried. I love you so much Alberto. I love you so f-----g much.”
I kissed Alberto and he kissed me back, we were both oblivious to James who had drawn back his gun pointing it at us.
“I never thought you loved me back Eve. I thought you hated me”
Alberto said, coughing out blood, he squeezed his face in pains.
“I didn’t at first. I hated you when you first brought me to your home. But after that day at the beach, when you kissed me..I started growing feelings but i wasn’t so sure then when i left you. I knew i had left a bigger piece of me behind. I wanted to go back but James wouldn’t let me. I love you Alberto Santiago. If you were to die, i would die with you” I said holding Alberto’s hand and smiling at him softly.
Even though we were both in severe pains, we managed to confess our love. Alberto was already loosing consciousness. We were both loosing a lot of blood.
“I love you too Eve”
James frowned shouting at us. “Shut up! I’m going to kill you and you are here kissing and saying i love you’s!”
He laughed. “If its death you want i would gladly kill the both of you” He smiled, and cocked his gun.

Then i heard the gunshot.

To be continued

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