Cassandra-Episode 12
‘’what can’t be my dear?’’i asked , holding her with concern. She shook her head and stared into my eyes.
‘’such strong love. So powerful and pure. I cant believe you feel so much for me’’ she poured out, melting my heart with her words. I smiled with satisfaction.
‘’but please let’s just sleep. I want to sleep now’’ she begged, leaving me with no choice than to shrug with resignation even though deep down I still badly felt like exploring her to my satisfaction. I never believed in holding sex till marriage. It was one of the things I hated to even imagine, nevertheless I was ready to let her be for the night.
‘’there isn’t any need rushing things’’ I reasoned.
Nothing eventful happened early the next day. However Just like the last time she visited, she cleaned my house and cooked for me. By 4pm we visited chinedu who hosted us at a plush eatery close to his apartment. It really was an opportunity I used in letting my friend check out Cassandra who as usual behaved her best. She so totally impressed Chinedu that he ended up smiling and nodding to all she did..
But as we returned to my apartment hours later, we ran into Nora at the corridor, something i so much wished not to happen and It equally was my first time of seeing her after the passionate evening we shared a week a ago. Nora froze on seeing us while I quickly regained my composure and greeted her jovially.
‘’wow Nora, it’s been a while ooo. How have you been doing?’’ I greeted quickly. She forced out a smile , throwing a quick look at Cassandra.
‘’oh yes I have been busy. Good evening’’ she greeted.
‘’meet my friend Cassandra. the girl I told you about sometime back’’ I introduced, Cassandra blushed and greeted .
‘’you are welcome my dear. Please make my neighbor very happy. The poor guy wont let me rest with your story’’ she politely said to Cassandra who blushed once again. I stared at her with disbelief. I couldn’t believe she could act so cool and friendly before Cassandra. My guilty conscience instantly began hurting me.
‘’okay now. Good night’’ She greeted and walked past us while I slowly went into my apartment with Cassandra who never noticed how miserable and shaken up I was.
As we settled for down for a good night sleep. I hungrily stared at Cassandra once again, overly tempted to pounce and make love to the beautiful girl. I really was so h---y and desperate. I just couldn’t continue staring at the food before me, unable to do a thing.
‘’Cassandra dear’’ I breathed, placing my hand on her body.
‘’what is it again? ‘’ she asked sleepily .
‘’you didn’t say anything concrete when I brought up the proposal of seeing your parents on valentine’s day’’ I asked, gently caressing her body as I slowly made my way to her b----t.
‘’I think you are just rushing things between us. Something as delicate as a relationship shouldn’t be rushed. We still have a lot of time to know each other. I’m really not in support of you seeing my family so soon’’ she replied, removing my hand from her body and getting me very angrily for the first time. Perhaps it was the sex I knew I wont get that night or the way she removed my hand from her body that got me very upset.
I sprang up with great energy, breathing furiously with annoyance.
‘’what’s with you eh?. I help you out in everything. I’m even ready to do more, yet you still treat me like an acquaintance. I’m not even qualified to see your family talk more of touching you.’’ I fired angrily. She instantly sat up with fear, totally surprised that i could raise my voice on her.
‘’calm down please. You simply misunderstood me’’ she murmured, holding my hand softly and calming me with her words.
‘’’I’m so sorry dear. Fine we will go together to see my parents on valentine’s day’’ she suddenly accepted, leaving my heaving a sigh of relief. I realized that moment that acting manly sometimes is needed to make things happen.
‘’are you happy now?’’ she asked while i shrugged with resignation. She smiled and fell back on the bed.
‘’just hold me tightly , lets sleep’’ she added and backed while I slowly fell back on the bed and did as she requested.
Cassandra left on Sunday evening with eighteen thousand Naira, promising to show up early on valentine’s day. I really was so happy that finally I wasn’t only getting her love, but equally having a control over her life.
I shared my experience and feelings with Chinedu the next day at his shop.
‘’well Cassandra is quite a charming lady. I have nothing else to say about her. So my dear friend, all I will do is just to sit and watch as things unfold between you guys’’ he said with a shrug.
I was left with no choice than to nervously wait for valentine’s day to arrive. I literally counted the days as I anxiously waited.
But Unfortunately for me, Cassandra never picked my calls nor showed up on valentine’s day.
To be continued
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