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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Story: EVE - EPISODE 12



Episode 12

*A Year Ago”
It was a sunny saturday afternoon and i sat in the sitting room watching tv. Saturdays weren’t really my favourite days because Alberto was always at home through out the day, unlike weekdays where he went to work.
The house was busy, the maids were running up and down, cleaning a week’s dust. They came every saturday. Alberto hated strangers in his house. The cook was the only one who came everyday , in the mornings and went in the afternoons after instructing me on how to heat the food when it was cold already.
The gardner too came every saturday, trimming the overgrown grasses.
It was a normal saturday, a busy saturday. I didnt do anything because Alberto forbade me to even pick a broom.
Still sitting, and watching 8 miles , one of my favourite movies, which was a real life story of Eminem. Alberto walked in.
“Hey” He greeted, sitting beside me, and picking the remote.
“Good afternoon” I replied softly.
He changed the station and put wrestling. I had always hated wrestling, it was violent and rough. So i stood up and wanted to leave the room when Alberto called me back.
“Where do you think you are going?”
“To my room”
“No, get back here and sit on my laps!” Alberto commanded.
I sighed and sat down on Alberto’s leg.
Suddenly, he started laughing. “Why did you sit like that?”
I looked at myself, and i was sitting down normally.
“Rest your head on my chest, now” Alberto ordered.
So i rested my head on his chest and listened to his heart slowly pounding in his chest. I felt his chest rise and fall in rhythm with his breathing.
“You are the best thing that has ever happened to me Eve. For years, I’ve lived in despair, sadness, l onliness but the first day i saw you in your parents house, looking so innocent and small, then i wanted to have you to myself”
He touched my hair and my heart skipped a beat.
Why was i suddenly feeling this way?
“You were very young then, only thirteen. I came to your house with the intention of killing you and your parents. But when you opened the door for me, my stony heart melted. I fell inlove with your big cute eyes. You looked so innocent and fragile . I wanted you to be with me, i wanted to have you to myself, so i took you now im too selfish to return you”
I wiped the tears falling from eyes as i listened to Alberto confess his feelings.
“Then as soon as you opened the door, you ran away from me, you were scared of me. My heart broke for a moment and then anger consumed me. I wanted to drag you back and force you into the car and go with me. But when your dad didnt have the money to pay me back, i used that opportunity to ask for you to be with me”
He picked my face and stared at me, wiping my tears.
“I was happy when i had you. I was so selfish, i kept you here not wanting anyone to know you exist. I stripped you away from your freedom, Eve. I took you away from your family, your joy, your everything all for my selfish reasons”
“Then please Alberto, let me go” I whispered, holding his hand.
He looked still for a moment, looking at my eyes, taking in the colour, looking for any emotion.
“I cant Eve, I cant give you up, not now not ever” He finally said.
I burst into tears when he said that. I cried, i was never going to see my parents again, i was never going to get my freedom. Alberto held me while i cried.
“I’m so sorry Eve. But my selfishness wont let me take you back, i hope you can forgive me for that ”
“Go get dressed we are going out” Alberto said.
In a few minutes i was downstairs dressed in a white flay gown.
Where were we going?
Alberto came down seconds later and led me out of his mansion. He picked the black suv car out of the seven cars that were in the garage.
We got in and i asked Alberto where we were going but he said it was a suprise.
Few minutes later, Alberto stopped the car and we came down.
It was a beach. I shivered.
“No, Alberto, im scared of the water please, lets go back. I cant swim”
“Oh! I didnt know that, its too late now. Dont worry, its not like im going to push you inside the water. Lets go”
Alberto picked the mat, buckets and somethings in the car before we went towards the beach.
Only a few people were there, with little kids running around with water guns.
The beach was blue and a wave came crashing, I screamed and went towards Alberto holding him tight in fear.
He just laughed. “There’s nothing to be scared of Eve, Its just water”
“Yea! just the water that takes people and drown them”
I looked at the beach and saw surfers. Riding on boards with a smile on thier face.
Still looking at them, Alberto spalshed water on my face.
“Hey! what was that for?” I said frowning, but Alberto was just laughing.
“Ok, if you can catch me, i would be your slave for the whole day, i would do anything you want me to do”
I looked at the barbeque roasting at the beach, and i wanted it, if only i would just catch him and demand he buys it for me.
So i stood and started running after Alberto, i was nt really a good runner, but Alberto ran like usain bolt, laughing loudly.
I ran faster with all my might but Alberto was faster. I had to do something to make Alberto stop.
Alberto looked back and winked at me.
“Youre so slow, Eve”
“My stomach it hurts!” I shouted, holding my stomach as if in pain
Alberto stopped laughing and quickly ran to me. I smiled a little.
He quickly held me and looked at me in concern and care.
“Where does it hurt?” He asked, worry filled his face.
“Gotta!” I said, jumping on him. But he stumbled and fell, and i crashed on top of him, laughing.
“No thats cheating, thats not fair,.you used my emotions”
I smiled, squeezing Alberto’s cheeks. “You didnt say there was a rule against that”
I smiled while Alberto sighed and got up.
“What do you want?”
“Barbeque, ice cream, pizza” I said, pointing at everything i saw.
Few minutes later, we were sitting on the mat eating. While Alberto was telling me funny jokes. I laughed till i cried.
I didnt know Alberto had this playful and funny side. He looked so handsome when he smiled. His hair was wet. His muscles bulged out from his white top. He was also putting on a kakki short.
Alberto was handsome. I looked at his lips as he talked and for the first time since i came to Alberto’s life, i wanted to kiss him.
“Uhmm, why are you looking at me like that?” Alberto asked, smiling.
“Nothing” I said, standing up and looking at the beach.
It was evening already and the sun was setting, a lot of people had gone home. The water looked so calm and still.
Alberto stood up and came beside me holding my shoulders and looked at the beach with me.
It looked the quiet, the moment looked so perfect.
“Alberto, are you ever going to let me go?” I asked looking at him.
“I dont know, Eve”
We stared at each other, and for a moment i forgot all my problems and i took in Alberto beautiful eyes.
He bent down, coming closer to kiss me and i let him. When his lips touched mine, i felt sparkles fly. He kissed me softly and i kissed him back. His love, possessiveness, care, obsession, afftection could be felt in that kiss.
This was the first time Alberto kissed me.
This was the first time i kissed Alberto.
This was the first time i grew feelings for Alberto.
*Back to the present*
I opened my eyes and saw i was still in James car.
“Hey, thank God you are awake” James smiled at me.
“Where are we going?” I asked James.
“To your house, you are going to see your parents, Eve”

To be continued

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