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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

BLOOD - Episode 5


Blood - Episode 5

Four Week Later
Luke has moved to a duplex in Maryland which Zeus bought and gave to him saying that they don’t deserve to live in rented homes. Luke was relaxing at one in the evening when a call came into his phone “Hey Luke” it was Ade’s voice “Zeus requests the presence of everyone immediately” he said and hanged up. Luke prepared and left the house in a Range Rover Sport and headed to Zeus’s mansion and as he arrived he met everyone present so he quickly took a seat “We have a politician to deal with, I asked Einstein to keep an eye on him and we discovered he ain’t clean and has diverted 200million naira from a Nigerian source we do not know, so we are going to take it from him, every dime” Zeus explained as he walked about “God-Eye, Luke you’re both up for this job, he will be arriving at his home in Ikeja by 7:00pm today, so you’ll strike by 9:00pm. Ade fill them in” Zeus concluded “Alright, take this tablet” Ade said handing a tablet to Luke “The tablet is encrypted with one of our off-shore accounts in Cuba, so the transaction must be done with this tablet, its built for banking only, so all you have to do is make him send the 200million to that account” “Alright, I got it” “God-Eye will take your back, while you deal with the man” Zeus said ‘And don’t forget to kill him, he deserves that” “Done” Luke said and they both left… 8:55pm… Luke had a Bluetooth pod in his ear with which he communicated God-Eye, Luke was on a complete black clothes and a mask and he carried a small bag “Am at the gate” God-Eye said “Good, carry on am in position” Luke replied God-Eye knocked at the gate and then the security man came out “yes can I help you” he said “Good evening, please am kinda lost, am looking for this address” “Let me see” the security man collected the paper but couldn’t see it clearly so he moved out from the gate and close to a light on the fence. Luke then came out of the flowers where he was hiding and entered the compound; there were security lights everywhere but there were also dark spots, he walked to a dark spot and stood there for 10secs and saw no one coming so he moved to the back of the house, he then climbed the wall of the building with a climbing pad and discovered that the windows were not bared , he then climbed into the master’s room where the politician slept; the lights were on and the AC was working fine. Luke walked close to him and squatted beside the bed and then opened his bag and brought out a big black cello tape and a white piece of cloth. The man slept with his mouth opened, Luke opened the cello tape loudly and then looked at the man but he didn’t notice, he then put the white clothe in the man’s mouth and quickly taped it close and the man jumped up but he quickly put a gun on his head and signaled him to shut up and he nodded in agreement with widened eyes “200 million just arrived your account” Luke said and the man shook his head negatively and then Luke hit the gun on his head and out of pain he wanted to scream but couldn’t so he held his head as tears came out his eyes; Luke then brought out the tablet “Am not here to joke, ok?” Luke said and he nodded in agreement “this tablet has been encrypted with a bank account, so I want you to fill in your account details here and then make the transfer now” Luke said and handed him the Tablet and the man out of fear did exactly as he was told and transferred the money and Luke collected the tablet from him and put it in the bag. Luke looked at the man and he was begging but Luke had orders, so he pushed the man on the bed and covered his face with a pillow and shot his head through the pillow and that muted the sound of the gun. Luke then got out the window and climbed down and went to the gate, he saw the security man and a body guard standing at the gate “Am out but I have a blockage at the gate” he said to God-Eye “Alright, I got it” God-Eye said and not long there was a sound of a silent gun, Luke then walked to the gate to meet the two men dead “Let’s go” God-Eye said and they both ran off to the spot where they parked their car and drove off. They arrived back at Zeus’s house by 9:45pm “Good job Boys” Zeus said “We got the alert” Ade said Ade lives with Zeus in the mansion; Ade is a step brother to Zeus because Zeus father had a second wife who was a Yoruba “I’ll send you guys your cut” Zeus said “Go home and rest, we have a general job tomorrow”… 4 months Later 10:00am… They had assembled again in a secret computer room in Zeus’s house “Last week, God-Eye and Einstein infiltrated the area and have mapped it out” he said showing them a map on a large screen “There are three roads in and out of the area, two are by land and the other by the river here. One road on the east and the other on the west and there is a bridge on each road which goes across the river but I had Drummer and Machine Gun plant C4s under each bridge, so once we start the operation we blow up the bridges, the police will be unable to come in on us” “Lord Zeus, if we blow the bridge, how do we leave” God-Eye asked “Our operation starts by 12:00pm and by 12:20pm, Ade will be by the river here to pick us” he pointed at the map “This means we have 20mins to clear 3 banks” “Over to you Einstein” Zeus said “Alright guys, I already hacked into the banks security system, so once you arrive, I’ll shut down all their cameras and disable the security doors so you can go in but I must warn you that the security doors will only be disabled for 20mins only and then the security system will override my control by automatically restarting and flushing slave control and come back live, so you have 20mins to operate” Ade said; Zeus then continued “We’re going into the area separately through commercial buses and we’re going with masks; Hades will arrive at exactly 11:55am in a black Toyota Camry parked in front of Zenith bank and this car carries all the weapons we need. Hades and Luke will hit zenith bank, I and Drummer will hit UBA, God-Eye and Evil spirit will hit Skye bank” “What about Machine Gun?” Luke asked “He’ll take any police helicopter in the area with his Machine gun” Zeus said; Ade added “I will disable all the network masts in the area but our communication system is connected directly from Google SAT and finally, the guns you will be carrying are all loaded with fast-acting tranquilizers except your desert eagles. So once you start the operation be sure to shoot all the security personnel first, then shoot the people if the go out of control; everyone of them will be down for 30mins so work fast” “Waw brilliant, that’s a good one” Luke said “I believe we’re all ready” Zeus said and everyone stood up and they marched out…

>>>>Episode 4

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