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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

The Billionaire's Heartbeat - Episode 77 & 78




The Billionaire's Heartbeat - Episode 77 & 78

Theme: Blazing affection

By Terri Savage



The moment Ceres opened her eyes, she perceived the smell of her environment and knew she was exactly.

She looked around herself and saw a drip on her hand.

The memories of what happened in the award hall started coming back to her brain immediately.

She lost the award to Jennifer after giving her body all night to Roonie. She took everything away from her, first it was Kingsley and now the award. She can't even get bail him out of prison because of Jennifer.

She was still dwelling in her thought when Julianne came into the ward.

Ceres looked up and their eyes but she was curious as she saw the disappointed look on her face.

"Mum" she called.

"What have you done Ceres?" Julianne asked with a breaking tone.

"What I have done?" Ceres asked back in confusion.

"You have disgraced me and the whole family Ceres" Julianne said.

"What are you talking about mum? Okay, I fainted at the award ceremony because I thought I was going to win so how does that disgrace our family, tell me what you are talking about?" Ceres asked.

"Here it's"Julianne said and hand her phone over to Ceres.

Ceres took the phone from her and saw a video, she clicked on the video and after watching it for ten seconds, her eyes came wide terrifically. It was her leaked s*x tape and the person in question was Mr Donald, his face was blurred but she could clearly remember the place.

Her hands started shaking and the phone fell from her hands.

"What... What...."

"The whole country is talking about you now, we lost ten contract deals in an hour, the company is in a bad state because of you, how could you?" Julianne yelled and Ceres broke into tears.

"I don't know how this came out mum, I don't exactly know, I don't know"

"You slept with Mr Ronnie to win the award and he still play over you, I didn't raised you that way Ceres" Julianne scolded.

"Where is father?" Ceres asked.

Mr Adam came into the ward looking so livid, furious and angry like a wounded tiger.

His eyes went to Ceres on the bed and he started shooting invisible fire glares at her.

"Dad" Ceres called with a breaking voice.

Mr Adam walked to her and they gasped as he hit her face.

"Call me dad again I will kill you right now" he shouted and she swallowed.

"You can't do anything right, I told you can't be like Jennifer, you are so useless" he shouted.

"Don't blame me, you caused everything, I hated Jennifer but it wasn't to that limit, you started comparing me to her, rubbing her success at my face, I started trying to overtake her, you caused everything" she yelled and he slapped her again.

"Adam" Julianne shouted.

"Shut up woman, you had a large share in spoiling her, you supported every act of hers and right now my own daughter's nude is going viral on the internet, I lost ten big contracts, the investors and shareholders are withdrawing their deals, you know what you are fired from the position of the CEO of Adams corporation" he said lividly and Ceres's eyes widened widely.

"Dad, no, you can't do that"

"You can't do that honey, she is still your daughter, it was a mistake" Julianne said.

"Oh yes, I can do it and Idid it already, she is removed from the CEO position, I'm taking my company back from her, she is your child, settle everything together with her, eew" he shot, and walked out of the ward.

"No, this can't be happening to me, noo!!" Ceres said as hot tears streamed down her cheeks.



"But seriously I didn't we have mad people as boyfriends, you guys were crying" Paige said, laughing.

"She fainted immediately they stop the counting, it was so funny to win, like her confidence when she told me in my face that she was going to win, she didn't expect what came next" Jennifer said, drinking from her cup.

"We were waiting for that moment" Everest said.

"And now her leaked tape is out, I heard she had s+x with a judge..."

"No wonder the confidence" Paige said.

"I wonder what would happen to her father's company, I saw the hate comments and I'm already pitying her" Jennifer shook her head.

"It's the law of karma nothing else" Myles said.

"So congratulations once again to the best CEO of the year, Jennifer Keys" Everest said, stressing the last part.

"Thank you guys" Jennifer smiled and Myles kissed her lips.

"Dude I'm here" Everest scolded.

"No one is stopping you from kissing Paige" Myles said and kissed Jennifer.

"I can't be oppressed" Paige said and trapped her hands on Everest's neck.

She captured her lips they started kissing hotly. She released a moan in his mouth as his bit her lips.

Myles was devouring Jennifer's lips and she kept pulling his shirt in front.

"WTF! What is going on here? Is this a kissing competition?" Monica shouted and they broke the kiss.

"You just disrupted a blissful moment" Jennifer glared.

"Dinner is ready!!!" Monica screamed and ran away.

"She is crazy" Paige laughed.

"I can't handle her" Jennifer laughed.

"We are going to celebrate your award properly" Myles said and came closer to her ear.

"In the other room, get ready to say....Ahh... thank.. you Myles" Myles said and Jennifer started laughing.

"Stop being n+ughty" Everest said and hit his head.

"Just say you are jealous, you have your girlfriend chairman Everest former secretary" Myles said teasingly.

"Mocking me now, come here" Everest said and started chasing him.

"I love their bromance" Paige smiled.

"I got a surprise for Myles tomorrow" Jennifer grinned.

"Gist me later" Paige said and they high five before they started watching Myles and Everest running around the room.


Michelin was in her room, sleeping on the bed with a book in her hand, she was reading from the book.

She suddenly dropped the book and started thinking about her outing with Ramoni. She didn't know when she started smiling.

"He's sweet, jovial and handsome" she said, cupping her cheeks as she dropped the book.

She suddenly flinched as she saw a image at her window.

"What is that?" she asked but her eyes widened as her window started opening up.

She was about to scream when someone jumped in through the window and her lips just hanged as she saw Ramoni in her room.

"Nice room" he smiled after looking at the room, he took his eyes to her.

"Michelin" he called in his usual s+xy voice and she blinked multiple times.

"Ramoni" she called slowly.

"How did you know my house and my room window?"

"I happened to be close around your house but I didn't tell you, actually I knew your house, your sister is strict that is why I used the window" he replied.

"You know my sister too?"

"Yes, she is crazy, I don't want to be beaten but I can't sleep without seeing your face" he said and her heart started beating fast.

"You can't sleep without seeing my face?" she asked gently.

"Yes, that's why I came here, if you don't want me here I can leave"

"I didn't say that" she quickly said and he smiled before climbing on her bed.

"I love your room, it's pretty" he said and she grinned.

"Your sister is asleep right?"


"I will be dead if she sees here" he said and she laughed.

"She is not at home she visited her boyfriend" she said and he sighed.

"Better" he said and took the book she was reading.

"Wow! The disciples, I love this book so much"

"Terri Savage is the best" she said.

"Don't tell me you are crushing on him?"

"Actually I love black guys so I'm crushing on him, he's my favorite African writer" she replied and he dropped the book.

"Good night" he stood up and started walking towards the window.

"Ramoni wait! Wait" she grabbed his hand as he was about to jump down from the window.

"What is wrong? You are leaving?"

"I told you I couldn't sleep without seeing your face, now I have seen your face goodnight" he said and took his hand away from her, jumping down.

Michelin stood there and started biting her lips repeatedly, wondering what she did wrong.

"Wait, was he jealous just because I said Terri Savage is my best writer and I'm crushing on him. He was jealous" she said and started smiling.

"Could he be he feels the same way for me or I'm thinking ahead of me?" she pouted and walked back to her bed, she climbed up and took the book.

"I'm sorry, I will read your book tomorrow" she said stuffing herself in bed.


At the chairman's office door stood Paige. She smiled and opened the door, walking inside freely.

Everest looked up from his table, staring at her.

"Hey, young lady, where are your manners? You just barge into my office without a knock who gave you the permission to come into my office?" he asked dramatically, and she started laughing while walking to him.

"Sugar" she called as she got to him.

He held her hand and pulled her to his lap.

He started staring at her.

"Did you grow prettier or is it only my eyes?" he asked and she blushed.

"Your eyes can't be wrong" she said and he kissed her chest, kissing her b👀bs in her suit.

"Gawd.. Sugar" she gasped, giggling.

"I won't mind taking you here, you are so hot" he said naughtily.

"Here is the office naughty boy" she said and kissed him.

"Your lips are so sweet, Butterfly" he said sweetly and she kissed him again.

"I love you" she said.

"I love you more" he said and kissed her deeply, grabbing her booty from behind as he started pressing it.


Myles took the elevator with Jennifer and they came out together.

She linked their fingers and he looked at her, she returned the stare and they started smiling as they came out of the door and entered her office floor.

"Everywhere is quiet, what is happening?" Myles asked.

"They are at the general meeting hall, let's go there" she replied.

"You need a new secretary" he said.

"I am working on that, it's hard to get someone as smart as Kingsley" she replied.

"I can take that position" he said.

"No, my boyfriend can't work as my secretary" she smiled and kissed him.

He smiled as they stopped at the door.

The door automatically opened and they went inside.

"The CEO is here" Someone announced and everyone in the general meeting hall stood in respect.

Jennifer walked majestically to her seat and stood before it.

"Sit everyone" he said and everyone sat down.

"I called this meeting because I have something important to announce in our presence that's why I called it a general meeting" she said.

"I don't want to waste time, I will be introducing to you the executive manager of this company" she paused her speech, and everyone started glancing at each other.

"It's not someone new to your eyes, the most brilliant and intelligent person I have ever met in my life, the most beautiful creature, bold, smart and sweet, a package in one, my everything" she said, smiling.

"Please welcome our new executive manager, my sweet boyfriend and my future husband, Myles Kennedy" Jennifer said and all eyes went to Myles immediately.

"What!!" he shouted from the crowd.



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