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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

The Billionaire's Heartbeat - Episode 3 & 4




The Billionaire's Heartbeat - Episode 3 & 4

Theme: Blazing affection

By Terri Savage


"What's the condition?" Myles asked, looking at her.

Jennifer smiled creepily, observing the curious eyes of the poor tenant.

"Work for me as my driver and you will obey everything I say" She said arrogantly.


"Do you have any problem with it?" She asked.

"I can't work for you, FYI, I have a better job" He said.

"You don't have a choice here, it's either you work for me or everyone will vacate this building, look at these people, you are their only hope" She smirked.

Someone held Myles's hand and he looked back to see grandma Patricia looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Just consider what will happen to these people and us, we can't be homeless again, son" She said, and he swallowed.

Myles darted his eyes around and saw the pleading and pitiful look in their eyes. He's the only hope they have right now.

Myles' hand tightened on grandma's hand, and he faced Jennifer.

"Accepted but know I'm not an easy one" He said daringly.

"Let's see, you are to resume tomorrow, be at my castle before 8am, I hate laziness and slacking" She said.

"My card" She said, and a guard ran to her, he placed the card on her palm and moved back.

"Here's my card" She gave him the card but he refused to take it.

"See you tomorrow" She smiled arrogantly, and threw the card at his chest.

"Miss Jennifer...

"Get out of my face" She cut off the landlord rudely, and entered her car.

Myles slowly bent and picked the card, he held grandma's hand and he went in with her.

The tenants started dispersing with a relief eash on their faces.


Myles sat down as they went inside.

Grandma Patricia sighed before facing him.

"Son" She called.

"Mama" He replied, looking up.

"Don't feel too sad, you did it for the people, you were the only hope, she is the richest female billionaire in America, the rich now rules" She said, and sat in front of him, taking his hands.

"I don't want to quit my job at the fashion store, I love working there, I never plan on leaving that job but I'm going to do that now, why are rich people so wicked?" He muttered.

"It's fine, your story might change working for her" She hugged him.

Myles didn't really understand her words but he smiled, and hugged her tightly.


The room was up and down as Everest kept scattering things in the room.

Another hothead in the story.

He was searching for his credentials.

The door opened and Sloane gasped loudly as she saw how scattered his room was.

She's his elder sister.

"What are you doing?" She asked, and Everest looked up from the wardrobe.

"Looking for my credentials" He replied.

"You want to go job hunting?" She asked.

"Elite group of company made an announcement that there's a vacancy for the secretary, I wanna give it a try again" He replied.

"Let me help" She was about to take a step when he came out with the credentials.

"I got them" He smiled.

"Good luck, that company is very successful, owned by the second richest female billionaire" Sloane said.

"Can you help me rearrange my room?" He pouted.

"That pout won't bribe me" She shook her head.

"Please" He begged.

"You will buy me ice cream, promise?"

"Promise" He smiled.


Ceres walked downstairs to the living room. She sat down but a frown appeared on her face immediately she saw the news about the royals new launched product.

She's an enemy to Jennifer and they don't coexist together. Their hatred for each other is mutual. She's Jennifer's half sister.

Wondering how?

Jennifer's mother left her husband when Jennifer was just four years old, she left him and got married to James Adams, she was cheating on her husband before even settling down with James Adams. She abandoned Jennifer with her father. 

Ceres runs her father's company, a fashion company. She's in competition with Jennifer's company but Jennifer's company always stood out as the best.

She took the remote and changed the channel. 

"That b*tch" She said hatefully.

She took her phone and dialed a number.

The male voice answered after a while.

"What is up?" She asked.

"There's no info yet, I will update you when a new plan comes up" The male voice replied.

"Let's meet"

She hung up the call. She has a spy in Jennifer's company for a big reason.


Myles came out of his bathroom after taking a morning shower.

He took his phone on the bed and pressed the power button. He looked at the time. 7am.

This is his usual way of waking up everyday to go to work but right now he will be going to Jennifer's castle.

He walked to his wardrobe and just spent five minutes dressing up. He brushed his hair, and took his phone while walking out..

"Mama, good morning" He greeted.

"My boy, how was your night?" Grandma Patricia asked, coming out from the kitchen.

"Good" He replied and went to her. He kissed her forehead, and she smiled.

"You are ready to leave"

"Yes" He nodded.

"Breakfast is ready"

"I will help you" He said.

"Let's go" She said, and turned to go but he suddenly carried her up.

"Son" She smiled.

"Let me walk you to the kitchen" He smiled and started taking her to the kitchen.

"I love you grandma" He smiled, entering the kitchen.


"How do I look?" Everest asked Sloane as he wore his suit.

"More cuter" She replied, adjusting his tie.

"I hate suits so much" He complained.

"You are going for a job interview" She smiled.

"You are going to go now, bro" She said and pinched his cheeks.

"You will be late for work" He said.

"Don't worry about me, let's eat breakfast first" She said, walking out of his room. He took his phone on the table and followed her.


Jennifer came downstairs and met Monica in the living room waiting for her.

"You are not going to force me to eat breakfast today" She said and started leaving.

"Good morning" Monica smiled and rushed after her. She grabbed her hand.

"What?" Jennifer snapped.

"You are beautiful" Monica smiled.

Jennifer scoffed and glared before walking out.

She came out and the guards started bowing.

"He's not here" She muttered and the gate opened.

Myles walked in slowly, she saw him and a smirk formed on her face.

He walked closer to her and stood without greeting her.

"You don't know how to greet?" She asked.

"I'm here to drive you and not to greet you" He replied, and she frowned.

"Take" She threw the key at him, and he caught it.

"Use the Lambo" She said.

Myles looked at her before walking to the Lambo, he opened the door and sat inside.

The guards opened the door for her, and she got in.

"I don't know the location of your company" He said, looking back.


Is he an alien? Who doesn't knows about her company's address in America?

"Are you showing me the direction or not?" He snapped.

"You are so rude and arrogant" She shouted.

"You ain't different from me, so deal with it" He said.

"Gosh!!! Myles" She shouted.

"Jennifer" He shouted back.


Everest came down from the taxi in front of the mighty skyscraper.

He sighed softly and entered the building.

He met a guard in front of the elevator and he walked to him.

"Good morning" He greeted.

"Good morning" The guard replied.

"I'm here for the interview" He said.

"Ok, follow me" The guard said and he went into the elevator with him.

The elevator stopped at the floor, and they came out together.


👥 Did he fell from heaven

👥 He's so handsome

👥 His cute dimples

Distraction molded among the female workers as they started talking about him but his attention was focused on where the interview was going on.

The guard took him to the front of Paige's office, and four applicants were sitting there.

"He's here for the interview" The guard communicated with the other guard.

"He should join the line" The guard said.

"Good luck" The guard who came in with him smiled and walked away.

Everest sat down on the long sofa and the two ladies there started losing concentration.

👥 He's so handsome

👥 Dream man

"Next person" the guard said.

The guy who came out was frowning greatly, it's obvious he didn't get the job.

"I pray I got lucky today" Everest sighed.

Thirty minutes later, the two ladies came out frowning as they left, another minute later, a guy came out smiling, and Everest started sighing fearfully.

"You got the job?" He asked.

"No, but I got another one, try your luck" He said and walked away.

Everest stood up and sighed before entering the office.

Everest walked into the office and immediately she saw his face, his eyes widened.

"You" She pointed at him.

"You know me?" He asked, sitting down.

" What? I didn't ask you to sit"

"It's common sense you don't have to tell me" He replied.

Paige frowned.

"Oh! I remember you" He said.


Everest came out of a hotel after failing to get a job, and he bumped into Paige unintentionally.

"I'm sorry" He apologized.

"What the f*ck! How dare a low life like you bump into me? Do you know how much my dress cost?" She yelled.

"Do you eat cashews?" He asked.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Cos it helps in giving sense" He replied, and her eyes widened.


"So are you going to reject me?" He asked.

"You are hired, take these papers, go through them and make a presentation for the next meeting" She said with a creepy smile.

"So fast" he smiled.

"You can leave, get back to me in thirty minutes"

"Yes boss" He took the papers and walked out, meeting a table, a computer and a chair. He smiled and sat down.

Paige was smiling creepily in her office, she knew no person can edit the papers and still composed a presentation in thirty minutes unless he's highly intelligent, and he doesn't look like one.

"I will deal with you" She smirked.


Paige was working on her laptop when Everest came in, he finished editing the papers, and he composed a presentation for the meeting.

Everest walked to her table, and her eyes widened. It's not upto to thirty minutes and he's back. What! Is he an alien?

She didn't look up intentionally.

"I'm done, what should I do next?" He asked, standing before her. No answer.

"Where should I keep the papers?" He asked.

No answer. After a minute she looked up with a glare.

"I think you need the cashews, put it on my head" She rolled eyes sarcastically, taking her eyes to the laptop.

"Okay boss" He said, taking a step closer to her, he put the papers on her head directly.

Holly f*ck!!!! 🤣


T.. B..C

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