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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

The Billionaire's Enchantment - Episode 63 & 64





The Billionaire's Enchantment - Episode 63 & 64

Subtitle: His Unsophisticated Girlie

GENRE: Billionaire/CEO Romance. 



As soon as Noah and Birdie entered into the house,without waiting for a second,their lips connected into a deep kiss. 

Noah only managed to convince Birdie to wait till they get home and that's exactly what they are doing. 

Noah carried Birdie up,their lips still locked,they were kissing so hungrily,eating and sucking each others lips. 

Noah broke the kiss. 

"Why did you....."

"Arya is home" He winked. 

"Let's go to your room,what are you waiting for?" Birdie asked and Noah chuckled. 

Birdie started kissing him again as they climbed the stairs,they entered the room and she began unbuttoning his shirt,she pulled it off and Noah dropped her on the bed. 

He slides off her gown also and her under wears before capturing her nipple into his mouth. 

"Oh gosh" Birdie moaned sweetly and cupped his face,she kissed him lightly. 

Noah made his way down and inserted his finger slowly into her pússy. 

"Ouch!" Birdie screamed. 

"Hey,don't scream that way,you asked for this" Noah said naughtily and she chuckled. 

"Be gentle" She said. 

"I will" Noah said and went for her lips. 

"Gosh,I'm so addicted to you bug" He groaned. 

"I'm obsessed with you" Birdie moaned as his finger slides in and out of her. 



Evelyn was in the kitchen doing the dishes,she started hearing some faint footsteps,but before she could turn,a spank landed on her @ss. 

"Ouch!" She screamed and Axel hugged her from behind. 

"Do you really have to be so naughty?" She blushed. 

"I told you to stop doing all these" Axel said and kissed her neck.

"I came here to work" Evelyn muttered. 

"Then,you're fired. I'm going to get another maid" Axel said and Evelyn faced him. 

"So you can ditch me and fall in love with her?" She asked and Axel couldn't control his laughter. 

"What do you take me for? You really think I'm going to fall in love with any maids I bring here?" He asked and Evelyn rolled her eyes. 

"Come on,that's never going to happen,but I don't want you to keep doing all these,you're my girlfriend now" Axel said. 

Evelyn hugged him. 

"How was work?" She asked. 

"I was thinking about you all day" Axel said and kissed her hair. 

"I missed you all day also" Evelyn said. 

"I'm going to introduce you to my friends,when should we do that?" Axel asked. 

"I'm nervous" Evelyn shook her head. 

"Why?" Axel asked. 

"I just....."

"Don't worry,my friends are crazy,they don't really care who I date but we need to do it" Axel said and Evelyn nodded. 

"Fine....go freshen up,I prepared dinner" Evelyn said,pushing him out of the kitchen. 

"You cooked?" Axel asked. 

"Why are you acting surprised? I've been cooking for you" Evelyn said. 

"If you're too tired to cook,just don't do it okay?" 

"I can't get tired of cooking for my man" Evelyn said. 

"Gosh,stop it. My head might just burst at this rate" Axel groaned and Evelyn laughed. 

"Go take your bath....." Axel turned at once and pecked her lips. 

"Would you do it for me?" He asked. 

"No!" Evelyn screamed and he laughed. 

He kissed her again before he finally went upstairs. 



Waylon was busy drinking in the cellar,he poured the wine into a glass cup and slurp everything at once. 

He dropped the cup loudly and sighed. 

"What are you thinking?" Reagan asked and came in. 

"You're still here?" Waylon looked at her. 

"You've been chasing me away,is it bad if I came to see how you're doing?" Reagan asked. 

"We are not in anyway connected right now Reagan,father is not coming back,your mom left the house,so what are you still doing here?" Waylon asked. 

"Then,does that mean,we are not step siblings anymore?" Reagan asked and moved closer.

"Exactly" Waylon muttered. 

Reagan smiled and leaned closer,making their faces close to each other. 

"What are you doing?" Waylon frowned. 

"Isn't it obvious?" Reagan asked and stared at his lips. 

"Are you crazy?" Waylon pushed her head backward. 

"You were crazy about Noah....."

"He's got a girlfriend,I got over him" Reagan said. 

"Then me? Are you crazy? Your mom and my dad...."

"You said we have no connection again" Reagan scoffs. 

"That doesn't mean I......." Reagan kissed him and his eyes grew wide. 

Waylon stood up at once. 

"You should go home,goodnight" He said. 

Reagan grabbed his hand and made him face her back. 

"Reagan,go home. It's getting late" Waylon said. 

"Are you worried about me?" Reagan grinned. 

"Why would I?" Waylon scoffed and left her there. 

Reagan sighed out sadly and went out. 



Vince came out of his room after getting ready for work,he saw the cake on the table. 

"She really left it here?" He muttered and walked to the table,he took the fork and cut out a small piece from it,he ate it and chewed slowly. 


The cake tasted so delicious. 

"Whoa,that witch is quite good" He chuckled and put the remaining cake in the fridge. 

"Gosh,I'm late already" He said and went out. 

"Tada!!" Vivian was also just coming from her apartment. 

Vince rolled his eyes and ignored her. 

"I'm going with you" Vivian said. 

"And you think I will allow you in my car?" Vince asked.

"Mine have a little problem,it will be back tonight so please let me come with you,I will repay back" Vivian pleaded. 

"Fine" Vince said and Vivian smiled. 

They both walked to the car garage,they entered the car and Vince drove off. 



Birdie entered the house,one of Noah's guard just dropped her,she looked quite tired and was wishing inwardly that her granny wouldn't be anywhere in the living room. 

But seems like her prayers wasn't answered,Winona was sitting on the couch in the living room.. 

"Good morning granny" Birdie greeted. 

"I've been waiting for you" Winona said. 

"Oh,did something happened? You don't look really well granny" Birdie immediately sat down beside her. 

"I don't think I can keep it anymore" Winona said and Birdie was confused. 

"What are you talking about?" She asked. 

"Actually....the truth is......" She stopped and Birdie was in suspense but she didn't utter a word.

"Mrs Levis....I know who she is" Winona said and Birdie nodded,still trying to get what was going on. 

"And......I'm not your granny Birdie" She said and Birdie looked at her. 

"What do you mean by that?" She asked. 

"Your real parents are alive" Winona said and Birdie sprang up in shock. 

"What.....what...are you talking about?" She stammered. 

"But most importantly...." Winona removed the Grey colored wig on her head and Birdie gasped loudly. 


"You're.......you're.........young!!!!" Birdie screamed out. 


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