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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Johnson Jr.2 - Episode 12




Johnson Jr.2 - Episode 12

Written by Sadiq infinity

NoticeThis story is Rated 20+  f_ul languages and $ex in writing.


Death of the victims of Nightshade has increased, and most of the Victims were students, the school had turned into a nightmare, Everyone was afraid of mentioning the Nightshade stuff, I had to watch my step cause I was being monitored by some of Barbie’s cronies and to make things even more stressful, Regina was pressurizing me to get results, I told her the risks and stakes were High and asked her to give me more time or she’ll have to find someone else after I’ve been killed or tortured to death.

I paid attention to lectures cause our semester exams were getting closer, Despite that I still attended the gang meeting, absence wasn’t tolerated except if you’re among the gang leaders, What seemed to elude me was who was spreading the drug in campus? Barbie was the manufacturer so she must have someone spreading it for her and Vixen is too stupid and careless to be the distributor? And my main target was Barbie’s modem, if I could get it, I could expose them all, but I have to take things one step at a time.

After the meetings, Barbie and I f--+--d each other like jack rabbits, and apart from s+x, she was giving me other things as well such as money and gifts, you name it, If only I could her to trust me and pull me close to her, I could know what’s going on.

The other night, we had a meeting in Barbie’s hideout, it was a large gathering, it would seem every member was there, Something had happened and I couldn’t wait to find out.

Barbie came out with a wicked grin on her face, she had gun in her hands, she ushered some of her cronies to do something, Soon they dragged out a girl, she was roughed up, probably f--+--d or raped by them, She seemed familiar, I immediately recognized her, she was among the girls that came with Vixen to take me to the party! What could she have possibly done? Barbie waved her hand and the place was silent.


Barbie ➡️ This b-+--h here tried to expose us! Can you believe it? After everything I’ve done for her, she still wasn’t grateful, she was overheard by our distributor of Nightshade, the b--+-h wants to get rich, and ruin us, but tonight she’s going to get what’s coming to her.


Girl ➡️ Pls barbie, I’m sorry crying


Barbie ➡️ What? You’re sorry? Sorry honey, you have to go, permanently. laughs


Girl ➡️ Pls, I’m sorry, I beg you!


Barbie ➡️ Hey boys, Rape this b-+--h, give her a good pounding!


The merciless bastards dragged the girl by her hair, Her scream pierced my heart, this was terrible, I wanted to help but I couldn’t do anything and besides I’m one guy against all, I can’t be Captain america.

I watched as Barbie laughed at the girl while she was viciously raped, Barbie was pure evil, the guys pinned the girl down raping the life out of her, and as if things weren’t worse, the guys had big d--+-s, they took turns in banging her, it was sad, the girl cried and begged Barbie but it fell on deaf ears, Everyone in the place was laughing hailing the guys.

After an hour, they were done with her, the poor girl wasn’t moving, To top the humiliation, the bastards urinated on the girl’s body, this was too much to bare, Soon Barbie came close to the girl and clicked her gun, she looked in my direction and saw how my facial expression was, She called me outside, everyone looked at my direction, I couldn’t refuse to go or they’ll suspect something, as I went to her, she handed me the gun to shoot the girl.

My body froze that instant, me shoot her? I stared at the gun, I slowly collected the gun and aimed at the girl, her eyes were filled with pity and sadness, I couldn’t do this to her.


Barbie ➡️ Come on johnny baby, finish her, blow her brains out.


Johnson ➡️ I can’t.


Barbie ➡️ What?


Johnson ➡️ I can’t, look she’s dead already.


Barbie ➡️ She tried to expose us.


Johnson ➡️ Yes, but why make her suffer? Why didn’t you end her in the first place?


Barbie ➡️ Oh no, she needs to be used as a scape goat, as a warning to whoever snitches on us, so are you going to shoot or should I make her suffer more?


Johnson ➡️ Barbie…..


Barbie ➡️ Boys, take her away and stuff her with Nightshade till she drops dead.


Before they could lay a finger on her, I pulled the trigger, the girl was dead on the floor, I shot her on the head, Either way, she was going to die, this was the best I could do to end her suffering! Everyone shouted and hailed, they were jumping with joy, I was really pissed and angry, I just shot a human being and this bastards were happy about it, Don’t they have regard or sympathy for human life, she’s not some animal, I tried hard to control the rage welling up inside me, I needed to maintain my cool and cover, Barbie came close to me giving me a hug and a kiss.

This people were evil, but I couldn’t stand there feeling sad over the girl, I faked a smile and fired two shots in the air, the bastards cheered and took me high upon their shoulders.

I swore to my self that I would expose their evil deeds and humiliate them, only time would tell. I went back to my hostel feeling dejected, I entered my room and sat on my bed looking at my hands, these hands had pulled the trigger and ended someone’s life. The girl’s body will probably be thrown at the trash site, I felt sad and miserable, What was I going to tell God when I’m dead? God! Please forgive me, I had no choice and it was never my intention.

As I was deep in thought, A knock came at the door, as I opened it, Regina walked in, she had a angry look on her face, I wanted to ask her what she was doing in my room, before I could say a word, She gave me a slap across the face, I didn’t move, I was just angry, she started blabbering some nonsense stuff about wasting time and not giving information, I was really mad with rage, Does this b-+--h know what I’ve been through tonight? And because of this, I risk my life?

I quickly grabbed her neck and pinned her on the door.


“Listen to me, you arrogant b---h! Do you know what I’ve been through? The risk I had to take? The dirty thing I had to do? You think this job is easy? I’m a student not a detective, I just killed a girl to maintain my cover, Do you know what’s like to see someone tortured and asked to end his life? Because of you, I’m in this mess, I’ll have to remember this for the rest of my life, You bastards only care about results and information, do you even care what a person has to go through?


I let go of her, tears was welling up in my eyes, I couldn’t let her see it, the pressure was just too much, Studying, doing detective work and even killing someone, Regina looked at me with pity in her s€xy eyes, She felt sorry for me, She sat close to me holding my hands.


“I’m sorry Johnson, I know this is too much to bear but you’re the only one who can help us end this nightmare, People are dying and if you don’t do something soon, it will be over, Pls Johnson we need you, I need you to do this.


Her words melted my anger, It must be e hard on her, that’s why she’s this tense, I looked at her face, tears were dropping down her face, I held her face and wiped her tears, she looked at me with a sweet look on her face, God! She was indeed lovely, I moved closer to her and kissed her gently, she didn’t resist or respond to my kiss, I slowly forced my tongue into her mouth, After a while, she accepted my kiss.

We kissed each other like lovers, our tongues lashing and twisted against each other, my hands slowly touched her body, massaging her br+asts, she m0@ned slowly grabbing hold of me, I took my time kissing her and undressing her, she almost removed my clothes as we kissed, soon we were both naked, I kissed her br+asts, neck and licked her ears, she whimpered softly into my ears, surrendering her body to me, I slowly kissed my way down to her p-+--y area, it was well shaven and it looked lovely, I shoved my tongue inside her licking her honeypot, She m0@ned hard, pushing my head deeper to her c-+-t.

She was wet like crazy, I flickered my tongue inside her, She screamed hard and her body jerked as she came hard! She was delicious, I stroked my candy stick and adjusted her legs and shoved it deep into her!

She screamed hard! Her eyes popped wide open as I entered her, her c-+-t was warm and tight, I pounded her honeypot hard and good, She grabbed on to my ass, begging me to f-+-k her harder, I increased my pace banging the hell out of her p-+-y, Her boobs juggled as I thrusted into her, she moaned hard, grabbing my bed sheets tight, I continued hammering her p-+-y, it was really good, Her c-+-t was tightly clinging to my d-+-k, driving me crazy, The pleasure was too much, Regina opened her mouth wide as her body twitched, she screamed hard as she came on my d--k, I continued pounding her c-+-t making sm+acking sounds between our thighs, My d-+-k was sweetening me driving me crazy, After pounding a few thrusts into her, I release my hot thick milk inside her.

God! This is soooo f--+--g amazing, I slumped on her body, feeling exhausted, I could swear I came alot inside her, after some minutes, we both fell asleep!


I woke up the next morning, feeling good, I stretched my body, to the full, I remembered the fun Regina and I had, it was amazing! To think I would f-+-k a s€xy detective? Well, it was fun while it lasted, I stood up and saw a note close to my bed! It was from Regina!

“Morning Johnson, last night was fun! And it was the best s€x I’ve ever had, Sorry I couldn’t wake you up, you were enjoying ur sleep so I had to go to work, Duty calls and pls don’t forget, we expect results ”

Hmmm, this Regina can’t she forget about work for once, I wore my singlet and arranged my stuff! While I was at it, a knock banged on the door, who was disturbing me this early morning? I went and opened the door and was surprised to see who it was!

It was Barbie’s goons, the ones that raped that poor girl I immediately I saw them, I felt anger, I formed a knuckle punch and asked what they were doing here!


Johnson ➡️ What are you guys doing here?


Guy 1 ➡️ Barbie wan see you! Shebi you dey sleep with police?


Holy shit……


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