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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Lucas Revenge- Chapter 3



Lucas Revenge- Chapter 3

Having Revenge is all I want 

An Eye For An Eye

Authoress Bella


       MILLY POV

I got to school the next day still thinking about what happened

I had my first kiss yesterday,lucas had kissed me and i had enjoyed it but then everything changed suddenly

He had been rough with me,like i had done something to offend him or that he was only after taking my body

Just thinking about that got me feeling disgusted,its a good thing that i ran off yesterday or he might have lost control and would have do something bad to me

I only hope i never get to see him again,i thought as i got to class to find my friends all with a box of chocolates eating it

"Whats going on"i said to a classmate of mine

"Its your suitor milly,he is giving out chocolates and my God they are really sweet"she said as she walked off

I walked further in and saw him standing beside diane,while two people distribute the chocolate

What is he up to now?i thought

I had better leave before he sees me,i thought

"Milly!!!"diane called and everyone turned to stare at me

I made  sure not to stare back at him,i didnt want to be here,what even made me come,i thought as i walked in,running off would be acting  childish

"Weve been waiting for you to arrive"diane said

"Your the reason why we are all being given this chocolate"a friend of mine said

"And why would i be the reason"i said 

"Thats because i offended you yesterday and have come to ask for your forgiveness and i know that doing it alone wont work thats why have gotten help from your friends"he said 

And just a man walked in carrying a bouquet of flower

I could hear my friends oooing and aaahing,i was also impressed myself

I never thought that he would go this far just to apologise

"Just accept him already"

"He is just so cute"

"Accept his apology and let us continue with our chocolates" 

"I messed up yesterday,am really sorry milly"he said giving me the bouquet

I took the flower from him feeling a bit shy

Just then the bell rang and knowing what that bell was for,we all went outside

"Whats going on?"he said beside me

"Its time to know if we passed our exams"i said 

"Why are you doing this"i said pointing at the flowers

"To apologise"

"To apologise you didnt have to go too far"i said 

"I had to,i had to apologise if i want to win your heart"he said and i starred at him

We got to where everyone was,i saw some students looking sad and i saw some looking  happy

I got to the board and saw my name in the passed list,i was even the first person

"I passed"i said  happily and without thinking i  hugged lucas who was standing beside me

"I passed,i passed"i said 

"Congrats"he said and i stiffened ,have totally forgotten that it wasnt diane here but lucas

"You  look beautiful when you smile"he said 

"Thanks "i said blushing a bit

    "Yippee,we passed"diane said 

"Why dont i take you girls out"he said

"That wont be neces....."

"Of course we would love to"diane saix cutting me off

   Reluctantly i left with them,he took us all to a restaurant,a restaurant i knew well

David always come here to eat and i hope he doesnt see me here,i thought

While the rest ate,i felt uneasy,lookung about

"Whats wrong?"he said

"Nothing"i lied

"You look scared of something or someone"

"Am just feeling a bit hot"i said 

"If that is so,why dont you dance a bit"he said

"No i....."

"Lets just dance,i promise i wont let you fall"he said pulling me up

I went with him to the dance floor and he held me close in his arms

Moving me gently to the rythm of the music

I felt so lost in his arms that i didnt notice that david was beside us until he spoke

         ðŸ’­lucas pov 💭

I knew that with the help of her friends,i could get her to  forgive me easily

And she did,she is very gullible amd naive but i wont deny that i like her that way

With her being naive and stupid she wont know what my true motive for her is

I intentionally brought her to this restaurant cause i knew that her brother would be here

Its the devil i want to see,the man who has caused so much pain to my sister

And just hearing his voice behind us now i felt so very happy

  I turned to see the creep who ruined my sister life


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