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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Sisters- Episode 3


Sisters- Episode 3


Evelyn P. O. V

I pecked Jocelyn as I left the house, got into my car and drove off to meet Alfred in a nearby park. Known as LOVE GARDEN. I pulled up and parked my car inside the compound and got down from my car, I dressed to kill this night because I can't afford losing my man to any girl(Lols).

I know for sure where Alfred is, I don't need to call him,We have our usual spot. I got to where he was and saw him looking handsome as ever, his eyes glued to his phone admiring one of the pictures we took together last week. He didn't notice me, I covered his face from behind with smiles plastered on my face.

"Love of my life, I know it you" He said amidst smiles as he gradually dropped my hand and stared into my eyes" Looking beautiful as ever babe"

" Thanks honey " I blushed and place a kiss on his cheeks, I left his back and came in view as I sat opposite him. I admired the candles on the table with beautiful roses.

"What the hell are you putting on Eve? " He blurted out angrily as his eyes roamed my body.

" What does it look if not a off shoulder short gown? " I replied suddenly getting pissed off. For God sake, I wore this for him and he won't just stop complaining about my dress.. "Not again" I rolled my eyes

" what exactly is your problem, Fred? If this what you called me for then am out" I said as I grabbed my golden colour purse which matched with my shoe. I left him angrily, he didn't even call me back,perfect way to ruin a date. "Asshole"

I looked at my black short gown, truth be told it was revealing my cleavage and fresh thighs buh I wore it for him na. I was almost at where I parked my car when I sighted a guy who looked familiar sitting alone. Yeah I was right, it the same guy who helped me the other day. He was looking handsome in a white shirt which two bottons were opened showing his white singlet and a blue jean trouser. This the right time to thank him since he's alone before his date comes back.

He raised his head from his phone when he notice me walk to him. " Hi.... " I waved at him with a cute smile on my face.

"Hello" He replied sweetly.God.. This guy is so perfect, his voice like a girl's voice. Did not notice that last time tho.

" Uhmm, mind me sitting with you.. Since Uhm.. You alone" I said as I settled in a chair opposite him.
He chuckled" you just did that anyways" " And about what you on your mind, am alone so feel free". Gosh, his smile(wow)
I smiled at him" Evelyn, the girl you saved her ass last week at a resturant"

" Yeah sure,I still remember that pretty face of yours and I must say, you looking great, I mean so beautiful dear" he complimented and winked at me, gosh i blushed and am sure he noticed it too.
Looks like my day not gonna be bad after all, fuck you Alfred.
He introduced himself as Jeffrey.An half cast, mom from korea and dad from Nigeria, now I got to know why he's so cute and has that beautiful hair of his. We chatted for long. I ordered meal for us though he wanted to do the gentleman stuff but I told him I wanted to make up for what he did for me. We ate together, gist like we've known eachother for long. We exchanged numbers before we bid eachother a goodnight.

I drove home, Jocelyn was already asleep when I got home, I dont blame her though, it was already late. I showered, changed into my nightie, took my phone and login to my WhatsApp and the first message I received was from Jeffrey" Hey lovely"I smiled before replying remembering how he made my day. We chatted for long before I slept off.

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