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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Black Heart- Chapter22


BLACK HEART( Dear Mariel )
Black Heart- Chapter22


******Jeff pov
It really hurt ...
There's nothing i can do....
I just need to leave the country for a while and then come back to deal with Alvin....
I dried my wet hair and had on a black jean trouser and a black top whose BROKEN was written boldly on".....
I styled my hair backwards and wore a sparkling white hoodie, i picked my car keys and walked down the hallway ignoring the greetings of the guards i met on my way.....
I looked at her,she had been in my house for almost 15years now...."...
Take care of my house"i managed to say because i don't wanna yell at her...
I hopped into my black Lexus car and sat at the back seat while my driver drove me to the airport...
My flight is 8:00am and it's 6:00am,i just need to get to the airport early...
Though,it was a very hard decision... She already got her image stacked in my memory and it can never be cleaned nor forgotten so easily....
I rubbed my temple...
Everything would have been fine only if Mariel knew who the real Lil was...

******Lil pov
I texted the green eyes guy"
"I will be bringing her now"
I will be waiting" he texted back immediately
I walked into Marie's ward,
She's sleeping.I tapped her....
Let's go home"
Sure"She replied and stood up like a loyal servant....
She followed me outta the hospital...
Let's go and get a bus,but first,i would be taking you yo meet a friend of mine" i said....
She replied again and we both boarded a taxi to Mamir hotel.....

....Mariel pov.....
I tried remembering...
The image of his brown curly hair and black eyes kept replaying in my memory.....
Who's Jeff to me??
Was i really in love with him or are we married?? I asked Lil...
It seemed I'm connected to him somehow...his image kept reclicking in my memory....
And at the hospital when i slapped him,i felt that i was also slapped by a force and i can recollect that my hand hung in the air.....
I looked at Lil who also happened to be looking at me...
She smiled
Mariel" she held my shoulder....
Jeff is a killer!!! She bursted out...
A killer!! I gasped...
I looked at her in the eyeball
Who as he killed in your family?? I asked her rather too crazily....
Her eyes popped out....
Mariel don't ask me any question again till we get to the hotel" she said
I kept mute ,but I'm still confused...
The taxi man increase the tune of the radio"
I rested my head on the chair, i swear I'm really confused.....
I opened my eyes swiftly when i heard a line of the song that was being played on the radio....
You're mine....
You're cute....
It's like i have heard the song before.
I shut my eyes tightly with force,i endured the pain that struck my medulla.....
It was really painful"
The pain only come whenever i tried recollecting things....and
I remembered everything"""
Stop the taxi!!
I shouted....
Why?? Lil asked.....
You're asking me why hun??
I yelled at Lil...
Stop the taxi!! I shouted again...
Mariel are you going crazy"Lil granted....
I slapped her and the taxi man stopped the taxi immediately....
You're the one who is crazy!!
I opened the taxi door and get down..
You're crazy...
Really crazy thinking i won't recollect anything....
You're a bad devil
You!! I pointed at her"
You brainwashed me with your lies...
I had been so doom not knowing my friend is a devil intellect....
I stopped a taxi"
Jamie close" i said and hopped in....
I'm heading to Jeff mansion....
I cried silently....
I'm really sorry!!
I sobbed...
I'm really sorry,i know i have hurt you"
The tears won't stop tricking down....
The taxi stopped at the front of Jeff mansion....
I quickly got down and told the taxi man to wait....
I moved to the gate and knocked...
No one is answering...
The house looked empty
Like no one is inside the house"
I still remember the password,
I imputed it,the password, the gate opened automatically....
I entered....
No one is in the large compound...
I opened the main door and walked in...
It looked empty....
Someone called...
That voice...
It's sariel"...
I ran to her and hugged her"
Sariel i remember everythings" i said to her.....
She smiled.....
Then, all the smile faded

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